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Table 4 Adherence and safety/adverse events in the LFG and HFG

From: Secondary analysis of change in physical function after exercise intervention in older adults with hyperkyphosis and low physical function


Low-Function group (LFG)

N = 26

High-Function group (HFG)

N = 75

Mean adherence to sessions (percent)

20 (83)

19 (79)

Number of people reporting non-reportable eventsa (percent)

18 (69)

51 (68)

Number non-reportable events



Range of non-reportable events per person

1 to 8

1 to 8

Mean number of non-reportable events per person



Number of people reporting adverse eventsb



  1. LFG low functioning group, HFG high functioning group
  2. aNon-reportable events are symptoms that may occur during the intervention and disclosed in the consent, and resolve within an expected duration of time
  3. bAdverse events are defined as any untoward or unfavorable medical occurrence