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Table 2 Main interview topics and questions

From: Elderly patients’ decision-making embedded in the social context: a mixed-method analysis of subjective norms and social support




Informal caregivers

Home care nurses

A. Expectations regarding who should make decisions

1. Who do you think should make the decisions about your (health) situation according to your informal caregiver?

2. Have you ever discussed what is best for your health with the home care nurse? If so, what do you believe is their opinion on who should make decisions regarding your situation?

1. Who do you believe should make decisions about your significant others (health) situation?

1. Who do you believe should make decisions about the patient’s (health) situation?

B. Patient’s social network

1. Could you describe the persons you believe are part of your social network?

2. What kind of support do these persons provide to you?


C. Patient’s preferred role in the decision-making process

1. Could you describe how decisions regarding your health situation are usually made?

2. Do you prefer to discuss to decisions regarding your health situation with your informal caregiver? If so, could you give an example of how you discussed this?

1. What role you do see for yourself in the decision-making process regarding the health situation of your significant other?

2. How capable do you believe your significant other is to independently make decisions?

1. Do you find it important that patients make their own decisions? If so, please explain why.

2. How capable do you believe the patient is to independently make decisions?