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Table 3 Intervention Participant Class Experience Survey, Qualitative Results (N = 18)

From: Feasibility of a yoga intervention to decrease pain in older women: a randomized controlled pilot study




n (%)

Supporting Quotes

Positive Aspects

Developing skills

5 (28)

“Learning new yoga poses that are easy to use every day in daily life (e.g. work stretch break).”

Consistent routine

6 (33)

“With repetitiveness, I was able to practice and get better with the correct way to hold postures.”


10 (56)

“Enjoyed legs up the wall to reverse blood flow.”; “I appreciated the chance to disconnect and relax.”

Supportive instructor

6 (33)

“[Instructor] was gently supportive and encouraged us to do what felt right for our body.”

Useful home materials

5 (28)

“I thought the materials were excellent and I appreciated having both formats.”

Negative Aspects

Progress plateau

2 (11)

“I did hit a plateau so did not see further improvement after halfway.”

Class sequence

5 (28)

“Restorative poses were too lengthy.”

Participation Benefits

Gaining confidence

5 (28)

“Once I figured out the pose transitions, I began to progress and feel I could really do this.”

Improving fitness

8 (44)

“I built stamina quickly. Yoga definitely helped with building strength as well.”

Relieving pain

2 (11)

“I had severe hip pain daily before the yoga practice. Now I have it infrequently.”

Participation Challenges

Physical limitations

8 (44)

“I had one flare of inflammation, which limited my ability to participate for a few days.”

Learning curve

5 (28)

“It was a very new experience for me, so rather difficult until I developed some motor memory.”

No pain relief

5 (28)

“I do not feel my back pain has lessened due to yoga.”


Additional poses

10 (56)

“Near the end, I would have appreciated the introduction of additional poses to augment what we learned.”

Modify class sequence

7 (39)

“More restorative poses, less flow yoga, more time for pause at the end of each pose.”

Modify class schedule

5 (28)

“It would be nice to have evening classes for those of us who work.”

Studio location

5 (28)

“[Did not enjoy] going up the stairs, would have classes on the first floor.”

Improve home materials

6 (33)

“I would have liked two DVDs, one instructional and one with the “real time” practice flow.”