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Table 2 Covariates and outcome measures to be collected

From: A cohort study investigating the relationship between patient reported outcome measures and pre-operative frailty in patients with operable, non-palliative colorectal cancer

Category of covariate

Data to be collected

Patient covariates





Preoperative Charlson Comorbidity Index

ASA grade

Polypharmacy (> 4 medications)



Cognitive impairment using Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)

Cancer covariates

TNM stage

Tumour location

Preoperative chemo/radiotherapy

Operative covariates

Procedure or not

Procedure type

Duration of surgery

Postoperative covariates

Postoperative chemo/radiotherapy

Major postoperative complications

Primary Outcome measures

EORTC QLQ C30 at 6 and 12 weeks

WHO-DAS 12 item at 6 and 12 weeks

CFS and EFS at 12 weeks

Secondary outcome measures

Clavien Dindo (Postoperative morbidity) – collected on days 1,3,5 and 8 post-surgery

90-day Mortality

Days alive and at home 30-days (DAH30)