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Table 2 Estimated Odds Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals for “Prefrail” and “Frail” Categories Relative to Robust by Kogan and Implicit Association Test scores

From: Is there an association between ageist attitudes and frailty?

Measure (Scores)

“Prefrail” relative to “Robust”*

p value

“Frail” relative to “Robust”*

p value

Kogan Scores


.98 (.96–1.01)


.98 (.96–1.01)



.98 (.96–1.01)


.98 (.95–1.01)


Implicit Association Test Scores*


.81 (.36–1.81)


.66 (.28–1.55)



1.25 (.51–3.06)


.97 (.37–2.53)


  1. *Data available for 339 participants
  2. *Models adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, education, median household income and comorbidities. Data for the adjustment was missing in XX patients (Y for ethnicity)