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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Item distribution, internal consistency, and structural validity of the German version of the DEMQOL and DEMQOL–proxy


n = 201

Persons with dementia

 Age (years)

73.74 (±7.92)


88 (43.8%)

 Education level (years)

12.53 (±3.05)

 General cognitive ability (MMSE)

25.06 (±2.17)

 Functional ability (B-ADL, proxy rating)

3.57 (±1.88) a

 Depression (GDS)

8.90 (±5.16)

 Challenging behavior (12 types NPI)

9.72 (±9.30)

Informal caregivers (proxy raters)

 Age (years)

64.82 (±13.17)


143 (71.1%)

 Spouse of the person with dementia

80 (72.1%) b

 Depression (BDI)

8.35 (±6.53) a

 Burden (ZBI-22)

19.12 (±12.52)

  1. Data are reported as the mean (±standard deviation) or number (%).MMSE Mini-Mental Status Examination, B-ADL Bayer Activities of Daily Living Scale;GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, NPI Neuropsychiatric Inventory;BDI Beck Depression Inventory, ZBI-22 Zarit Burden Interview with 22 items
  2. aMissing value in 1 case
  3. bMissing values in 90 cases