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Table 5 Collective action-supporting quotes

From: Implementation of grip strength measurement in medicine for older people wards as part of routine admission assessment: identifying facilitators and barriers using a theory-led intervention

Collective action

Supporting quotes

Shared commitment

I just didn’t get the backing from, the, well the staff really cos it just wasn’t getting done which is such a shame cos I tried and tried (Nurse 7)

I’m well happy about my team because they want to do the things and they trust me about this situation (Nurse 3).


And after lunch they’ve eaten and maybe we reposition them first and then do the grip,... I just do it as I’ve fitted it in to my routine so I’d always wait until after lunch and do it (Nurse 4)

if we have a patient admitted during the day, as long as we are doing her admission paper, property check list or anything else, that’s another check that we have to do is the grip test (Nurse 6)

Activation of care plan

I think, it’s to me it’s quite clear. It’s a sticker stuck in your notes and I tend to read all the notes that have gone on before (yeah) it’s quite transparent so when they ring it and say their grip strength is low, (Consultant 1)

We aren’t picking up patients who are just on, were just on the grip strength, because we have enough patients on our radar, as is anyway. (Therapist 4)

There could be a conversation I’ve already had with the patient who doesn’t want to go that way. They want to do food first and that’s what we’re kind of aiming for, and then all of a sudden, you know, you kind of feel you’re being slightly undermined cos there’s another sticker (Dietician 1)