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Fig. 3 | BMC Geriatrics

Fig. 3

From: Osteoporotic fractures and obesity affect frailty progression: a longitudinal analysis of the Canadian multicentre osteoporosis study

Fig. 3

Changes in the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study Frailty Index (CFI) per a 5-year period in adults aged 50+ years with prior low-trauma fracture: Significant predictors. Plots represent statistically significant risk factors shown in the multivariable-adjusted model (Additional file 2: Table S11). Parameter estimates are regression coefficients that denote the mean change (increase: the value >0, and decrease: the value <0) in the CFI score per a 5-year period for one unit change/category in a predictor. NHNVF denotes non-hip-non-clinical vertebral fracture, VF denotes clinical vertebral fracture; ref. denotes the reference group. The parameter estimate for physical activity denotes a decrease in frailty per 1000 kilocals weekly; for SF-36 scores, decreases in frailty over 5 years are calculated per a 5-point change in the score

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