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Table 2 Acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of interventions in improving outcomes in high quality studies

From: Computer and telephone delivered interventions to support caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review of research output and quality

Reference, Country Design

Sample size; Consent rate, Setting

Eligibility Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Intervention and control characteristics

Outcomes and data collection time points

Results of the study

Acceptability, engagement and utilisation of intervention

Telephone counselling

 Au, Alma 2015 [36] China RCT

Sample: 96

Consent: 81%

Setting: Two hospitals

Inclusion criteria: ≥25 yrs.; carer of diagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease for ≥3mths; primary carer and spouse, kin/sibling

Exclusion: intellectual deficit; suicidal ideation; psychotic disorder; not fluent in Chinese/Cantonese

Intervention: Telephone based intervention: behavioural activation (8 bi-weekly calls)

Delivered by: Trained volunteers

Control group: Telephone-based intervention: psychoeducation and communication (8 calls)

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Secondary: Use of emotional regulation strategies

Follow-up: 1 and 5 months

Significantly decreased levels of depressive symptoms in intervention group

Increased use of emotional regulation strategies in intervention group


 Au et al. 2014 [37] China RCT

Sample: 60

Consent: 92%

Setting: One hospital

Inclusion criteria: ≥25 yrs.; primary full time carer for ≥6mths; spouse or daughter/son

Exclusion: intellectual deficit; suicidal ideation; psychotic disorder; not fluent in Chinese/Cantonese

Intervention: Telephone assisted intervention: pleasant event scheduling

Control group: Standard care from psychogeriatric team

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Secondary: Self-efficacy (Revised scale for care-giving self-efficacy)

Follow-up: 1 and 2 months

Significantly decreased levels of depressive symptoms in intervention group

No difference in self-efficacy between the groups

Limitations: small sample size; significantly higher baseline depression scores in intervention


 Chang et al. 1999 [44] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 102; analysed: 83

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Community, Alzheimer’s Association

Inclusion criteria: spoke English; access to VCR & phone; lived with dementia sufferer who had problems eating and dressing

Exclusion: NR.

Intervention: Video and telephone-based: video (20 mins); telephone interviews; problem-solving (bi-weekly for 12 wks)

Delivered by: Gerontological clinical nurse specialists

Control group: attention only: calls made but based on general discussion only

Primary: Burden, satisfaction, anxiety, depression

Follow-up: 3 mths

Lower depression in intervention than in control group

Decrease in anxiety, and emotion-focused coping strategies over time in both groups

No difference in burden between the groups

Viewed tapes once or twice 5–90 min calls for intervention; 5–30 min for control Satisfied with calls

 Connell & Janevic 2009 [45] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 157; analysed @ 6mth: 137; analysed @ 12mth: 130.

Consent rate: 47%

Setting: Alzheimer’s DRC & Association

Inclusion criteria: primary caregiver for a spouse with dementia; living with spouse at home; interest in increasing physical activity.

Exclusion: NR.

Type: Telephone-based (weekly for 2mths; bi-weekly for 2mths; monthly for 2mths): goal-setting; counsellor feedback; self-monitoring

Delivered by: behaviour-change counsellors

Control group: no materials provided during intervention period

Primary: Self-rated physical health; Physical function (MOS SF General Health Survey); caregiver burden (RMBCP); Exercise time; Exercise self-efficacy; Self-efficacy; depressive symptoms (CES-D).

Follow-up: 6 and 12 months

At 6 mths follow-up, intervention reported reduced perceived stress

At both 6 & 12 mths follow-up intervention reported reported greater exercise self-efficacy

Calls at participant convenience 16% loss to follow-up

Acceptability NR

 Davis et al. 2011 [35] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 53; analysis: 46

Consent rate:

Setting: nursing home

Inclusion criteria: ≥18 yrs.; care recipient in NH in ≤2 mths; caregiver; ≥4 h /day caring in 6 mths;


Intervention: One initial care, with 7 weekly follow-up calls, and 2 biweekly termination calls over the third month

Delivered by: Master’s level therapist

Control: usual care

Primary: Guilt; depression (CES-D); burden (ZBI), hassles with NH staff (Nursing Home Hassles Scale); satisfaction (ODAFSI);

Follow-up: 3 months

Intervention participants reported greater reduction in feelings of guilt, and fewer problems and concerns with

NH care. No benefit of intervention for depression or burden.

Attrition 13%

Highly satisfied with service and treatment, would use again

 Glueckauf et al. 2007 [41] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 36; analysed: 14

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Rural area of Florida

Inclusion criteria: ≥6 h p/wk. caring for ≥6mths; short term problems amenable to a short-term intervention; no difficulties hearing over phone; CR has ≥1 limitation in basic activities of daily living; 2 dependencies in instrumental activities associated with daily living

Exclusion: CG terminal illness; CR life expectancy <6mths; severe illness other than dementia; psychological problems

Intervention: Phone CBT: 5 x weekly individual session; 7 x weekly group session; goal-setting; self-monitoring

Delivered by: trained doctoral or master’s-level counsellor

Control group: Written education material and toll-free telephone line if needed

Primary: Subjective burden (CAI)

Secondary: Caregiving self-efficacy (CSES); depression (CES-D); problem change measures (ISS; IFS; ICS); Treatment satisfaction (CSQ-8)

Follow-up: 3 mths

No sig differences between the groups in burden; trends towards improvements in both groups

Intervention group reported trend towards reduced depressive symptoms

Guide and training

Moderate to high satisfaction

 Martindale-Adams et al. 2013 [39] RCT USA

Sample: recruited and analysed: 154

Consent rate: 70%

Setting: VA hospital

Inclusion criteria: Family members reporting stress or difficulty with care; living with care recipient; ≥4 h care or supervision per day for ≥6mths; care recipient has dementia or MMSE ≤ 23; ≥1 ADL or 2 IADL limitations; ≥1 member of dyad as veteran services from VAMC

Exclusion: Planned nursing home admission ≤6mths

Intervention: Telephone-based (bi-weekly for 2mth; monthly thereafter for 1 yr): support groups; education; skills building; caregiver notebook

Delivered by: master’s-prepared group leaders

Control group: Pamphlets and phone numbers of local resources

Primary: Social support (items re. received support, satisfaction, social networks)

Secondary: Health (SF-36); self-care (REACHII questions); Burden (Zarit); depression (CES-D); general well-being (General Well-Being Scale) Bother (RMBPC).

Follow-up: 6 and 12 mths

No significant benefit of the intervention on any outcome

61% completed ¾ sessions, 77% half sessions and 8% < 3 sessions

Intervention helpful Valued different perspectives, support and interaction

 Tremont et al. 2008 [32] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 60; analysed: 33

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Southern New England region of USA

Inclusion criteria: carer: ≥21 years; lived with relative with Dementia; ≥4 h p/day care ≥6mths; care recipient: formal Dementia diagnosis; CDR 1 or 2; ≥50 yrs.

Exclusion criteria: Carer had psychiatric illness or cognitive impairment

Intervention: telephone-based: 23 calls across 1 yr.; therapist contact; individualised

Delivered by: Master’s level therapist

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Depression (GDS); Caregiver burden (ZBI); Reaction to memory and behaviour problems (RMBPC).

Secondary: Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Test; SF36 General Health; Family Assessment Device; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support.

Follow-up: 1 yr

Intervention group reported significantly lower burden scores

Intervention group reported less severe reactions to memory and behaviour problems.

Satisfied with service (94%); met needs (77%); recommend to friend (88%); satisfied with therapist skills (100%); convenience (94%), written materials (88%), and clear (94%); overall (94%). Calls <30 min

 Tremont et al. 2015 [46] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 250; analysed: 212

Consent rate: 84%

Setting: hospital and community based

Inclusion criteria: carer: ≥2 negative caring experiences; Care recipient: formal Dementia diagnosis; living in community; no planned placement in care in next 6mths.

Exclusion criteria: Carer: major acute illness; not English speaking; cognitive impairment; care ≥6mth for ≥4 h supervision p/day; no telephone access

Family Intervention: Telephone Tracking—Caregiver (FITT-C): 16 calls across 6mths; psycho-education; self-assessment + summary letter

Delivered by: Master’s level therapist

Intervention 2: Telephone-based: 16 calls, non-directive support via active listening and open questions Delivered by: Master’s level therapist

Primary: Depression (GDS); Caregiver burden (Zarit); Reaction to memory and behaviour problems (RMBPC).

Secondary: Family Assessment Device (FAD); Self-efficacy (SEQ); positive aspects of caring (PAC); Health related QoL (Euro-QoL).

Follow-up: 6 mths

Intervention group reported significantly improved caregiver depressive symptoms and significantly reduced reactions to care-recipient depressive behaviours.

Intervention perceived program more logical and likely to reduce burden than control Both groups satisfied

Average 1.81 missed calls for intervention and 1.22 for control

Average call: 37 mins intervention; 30 mins for control

 Van Mierlo et al. 2012 [38] CBA The Netherlands

Sample: recruited: 54

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Amersfoort-Leusden, Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Laren and Huizen

Inclusion criteria: Informal caregivers of people with Dementia living at home

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention 1: telephone-based coaching only: 10 × 30 min call every 2-3wks; coaching

Delivered by: health professional trained coaches

Intervention 2: telephone-based coaching with respite care: 10 × 30 min call every 2-3wks; coaching; (no description of respite given)

Delivered by: health professional trained coaches Control group: Respite care only

Primary: Burden (SSCQ); mental health problems (GHQ-28)

Follow-up: 20 wks

Telephone plus respite participants reported significantly less burden than telephone-only participants.

Telephone plus respite participants reported significantly fewer mental health problems than control.

Caregivers valued the telephone intervention and were generally satisfied with it.

Coaches participated in an average of 7.6 sessions with caregivers

 Wilz et al. 2011 [42] RCT Germany

Sample: recruited: 229; analysed: 172

Consent rate: 88%

Setting: Berlin/Brandenburg and Thuringia

Inclusion criteria: full time carer; care recipient diagnosis of dementia; GDS score > 3

Exclusion criteria: Simultaneous psychotherapy; cognitive impairment; severe acute mental/physical condition; care recipient cared for in day care >3 days p/wk

Intervention: telephone-based: 7 x session 3 mths; CBT; structured with some flexibility for individualisation

Delivered by: CBT-trained clinical therapists

Control group 1: Progressive Muscle Relaxation in same conditions as experimental gp; written material & CD for PMR

Delivered by: PMR psychologists Control group 2: untreated

Primary: Goal attainment (GAS)

Secondary: None

Follow-up: 6mths

Overall: 30.1% (N = 25) of the participants achieved complete goal attainment, 39.8% (N = 33) reached partial attainment, and 24.1% (N = 20) declared no change

Participant goals mostly matched intervention strategies

2/3 both groups program very good; 1/3 good. 7 sessions not enough; control felt it was enough or too much 81% very helpful 72% felt expectations fulfilled

Significant difference between intervention and treated control in duration of sessions

 Wilz & Soellner 2015 [43] RCT Germany

Sample: recruited: 229; T1: 191; T2: 182

Consent rate: 94%

Setting: Berlin/Brandenburg and Thuringia

Inclusion criteria: full time carer; care recipient diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease; GDS score > 3

Exclusion criteria: Simultaneous psychotherapy; cognitive impairment; severe acute mental/physical condition; care recipient cared for in day care >3 days p/wk

Intervention: telephone-based: 7 × 60 min session; CBT; multi-component; individualised

Delivered by: CBT-trained clinical therapists

Control group 1: attention control: telephone-based Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Delivered by: PMR psychologists

Control group 2: untreated control

Primary: Perceived body complaints (GBB-24); emotional wellbeing & perceived health status (VAS)

Secondary: None

Follow-up: 3 & 6 mths

T1: Significantly higher perceived health status in CBT group compared to untreated.

Significant increase in depressive symptoms in PMR group compared to CBT group T2:

Significant improvements in emotional wellbeing and body complaints in CBT group CBT group improved in emotional wellbeing whereas PMR group decreased in emotional wellbeing Exhaustion significantly decreased in CBT group whereas increased in untreated control

Very good (71.9%) and good (27%) 90.9% recommend to others 81% very helpful 71.8% completely fulfilled expectations

Except for dropouts, all in intervention group completed all 7 sessions No interruptions in treatment: 85.5%; control: 79.4%

Telephone support group

 Goodman and Pynoos 1990 [40] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 81; analysed: 66

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Community

Inclusion criteria: NR

Exclusion: NR

Intervention: Telephone-based: peer telephone networks; 4–5 caregivers in each network; members of network called one another rotating across 12 week period

Delivered by: peers

Control group: lecture: 12 x telephone access lectures about Alzheimer’s disease

Primary: Problems (Memory & Behaviour Problem Checklist); Burden (Burden Interview Caregiver Elder Relationship Scale); mental health (scale by Rand Institute); social support (network measure adapted from Vaux & Harrison; perceived social support caregiving); knowledge

Secondary: NR Follow-up: 3 mths

Intervention participants reported significantly higher perceived social support and information gains.

Trends towards improved satisfaction with caregiving among intervention participants.

Bi-monthly follow-up calls Acceptability and utilisation NR

 Winter & Gitlin 2006 [33] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 103

Consent rate: NR

Setting: NR

Inclusion criteria: female; ≥50 yrs.; ≥6mths care to relative with diagnosis of ADRD; weekly telephone access ≥ 1 h

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention: telephone-support groups: hourly weekly session with 1 x facilitator 5 x caregiver; problem-solving; education

Delivered by: Trained social workers

Control: usual care

Primary: Caregiver depression (CES-D); burden (ZBI); perceived personal gain (Gain Through Group Involvement Scale).

Secondary: None

Follow-up: 6 mths

No significant difference on outcomes between the groups

Attendance not associated depression, burden or gains Wives, older and African Americans participated in more sessions.

Average of 14.8/26 sessions in 6mth.

 Wray et al. 2010 [34] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 158

Consent rate: 33%

Setting: New York Veteran Affairs Network

Inclusion criteria: caregiver: primary caregiver; lived with veteran ≥1 yr.; caregiver strain index ≥7. Care recipient: lived in own home; dementia diagnosis; spouse/partner living with them ≥1 yr.; GDS ≥ 3or dependent on ≥1 activity of daily living & ≥ 3 instrumental ADLs,

Exclusion criteria: caregiver participating in other support group; caregivers not spouses

Intervention: telephone-based: ≥8 caregivers during 10 weekly sessions; no video conferencing; homework; education; coping; group support

Delivered by: Three master’s-prepared social workers and one nurse dementia care manager

Control: usual care

Primary: Healthcare cost (inpatient; outpatient; nursing home; pharmacy costs) and utilisation (total bed days of care; total admissions; total visits)

Secondary: None

Follow-up: 6 & 12 mths

Total health care costs significantly lower in intervention group compared to control group at 6 mths, but not at 12 mths.

No significant interactions in utilisation over time.



 Beauchamp et al. 2005 [23] RCT USA

Sample: 299

Consent: NR

Setting: Online

Inclusion criteria: ≥part time employment; ≥4 contacts a mth caring for a family member with memory problems; reports of stress from caregiving

Exclusion: NR

Intervention Web-based: text; videos; links to tailored content; modules (available for 30 days) Knowledge, behavioural and cognitive-based skills

Control group: Waitlist control

Primary: Depression(CES-D), anxiety (STAI), caregiver strain (Caregiver Strain Scale); stress

Secondary: Self-efficacy (6 questions); coping skills (Revised Ways of Coping)

Follow-up: 1 month

Intervention group reported significant improvements in depression, anxiety, level and frequency of stress, caregiver strain, self-efficacy, and intention to seek help, as well as perceptions of positive aspects of caregiving.

Those who viewed the program more had greatest benefit

59% used once, 19% twice, 11% 3 times, 11$ 4+ times; 32 mins average; dose-response relationship Email reminder to non-users Acceptability survey

 Blom et al. 2015 RCT [28] Netherlands

Sample: recruited: 245; analysed: 175

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Online

Inclusion criteria: family caregivers; some symptoms of depression / anxiety / feelings of burden (CES-D > 4 or HADS-A > 3 or a burden score of at least 6 on a scale ranging from 0 to 10).

Exclusion: NR.

Intervention Web-based: lessons, coaching, feedback, homework, text, videos, exercises

Coaching component delivered by: psychologist trained in CBT

Control group: Digital newsletters: information only; no coaching contact

Primary: Depression(CES-D)

Secondary: Anxiety (HADS)

Additional: Functional status of dementia patient (IQCODE); Perceptions of distress (Self-perceived pressure from informal care); Caregivers distress (RMBPC); Competence (SSCQ); Sense of mastery (Abb Pearlin Mastery Scale)

Follow-up: 3 and 6 months

Significantly lower depression and anxiety in intervention group compared to control group

Higher drop out in intervention arm (40% vs 11%) Engagement and acceptability NR

 Brennan et al. 1995 [27] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 102; analysed: 96

Consent NR

Setting: Online

Inclusion criteria: primary family caregiver for person with Alzheimer’s disease at home; local telephone exchange; read and write English

Exclusion: NR.

Intervention Web-based: questions to guide decision-making; public and private peer communication

Control group: placebo training identifying local services and resources

Primary: Decision-making confidence (modified decision confidence scale); decision-making skill (investigator-developed self-report)

Secondary: Social Support (IESS); Burden (Impact of caregiving scale); Depression (CES-D); contact with services

Follow-up: 1 year

Enhanced decision-making confidence in intervention group

Decision-making skill unaffected

Training, monthly phone calls on use Mean access 83 times 13 mins average use Communication component used most

 Cristancho-Lacroix et al. 2015 [30] Pilot RCT France

Sample: 49

Consent rate: 55%

Setting: Day care center geriatric unit

Inclusion criteria: ≥18 yrs.; French speaking; caregiver for community-dwelling person with Alzheimer’s; met criteria for DSM of mental disorders; ≥4 h with relative; ≥12 PSS-14; internet access.

Exclusion: Professional caregivers

Intervention: web-based; thematic sessions; weekly release of sessions; text; video

Control group: usual care

Primary: Perceived stress of caregivers (PSS-14)

Secondary: Self-efficacy (RSCS); Perception and reaction to symptoms (RMBCP); Subjective burden (ZBI); Depression (BDI-II); Self-perceived health (NHP)

Follow-up: 3 and 6 months

No effect on self-perceived stress 3mths, however the intervention improved knowledge of illness

Training and user manual provided 71% finished protocol Use average 19.7 times; for 262 min Useful, clear and comprehensive

 Lai et al. 2013 [22] Pilot RCT China

Sample: recruited: 11; analysed: 11

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Online and offline (no indication of place of recruitment)

Inclusion criteria: primary caregiver; read and write Chinese

Exclusion: Domestic helper; already using online support group; caring for others; care recipient requires total care

Intervention: Web-based: training workshops; forum

Control group: Onsite workshop delivered by social workers or nurses

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Secondary: General Health (GHQ-30); Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge; Caregiver burden (ZBI); QoL (WHO QoL Measure – Brief)

Follow-up: 7 wks

Intervention participants reported greater knowledge gained Control group participants anxiety and depression dropped significantly after the workshop

Utilisation, engagement not reported Convenient

 Nunez-Naveira et al. 2016 [31] RCT Spain

Sample: 77 recruited, 61 analysed

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Non-profit organisations, geriatric clinic

Inclusion: primary carer of someone with GDS 4 or more; basic care tasks for a minimum of 6 weeks, no remuneration ZBI score above 24

Exclusion criteria cognitive impairment, illiterate, severe hearing, visual, motor problems

Intervention Learning section with information on 15 topics; Daily Task and Social Networking.

Control group: did not use the application

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Follow-up: 3 mth (post-intervention)

Intervention group reported statistically significant fewer depressive symptoms pre- versus post-intervention (p = 0.037). No difference for control.

Non-completion rate 20%

Technical, pedagogical and general satisfaction lowest scores for Smartphone users

 Pagán-Ortiz et al. 2014 [29] NRCT USA

Sample: recruited: 72; T1: 40; T2: 32

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Cities

Inclusion criteria: Spanish speaking caregivers of Dementia sufferers

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention: web-based: limited text crowding; carer photos; 4 × 1.5 h group sessions

Control group: Printed educational materials

Primary: Mastery and confidence (PMS); social support (LSNS); burden (ZBI); emotional distress (CES-D)

Follow-up: 1 mth

Across all outcomes there was a trend towards improvements in intervention group but this was not significant

Training Visit time 30mins-1 h average Majority visited >3 times Beneficial, better for early stages, would recommend

 Torkamani et al. 2014 [26] RCT UK

Sample: recruited: 30

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Three European hospitals

Target: Caregivers and people with dementia

Inclusion criteria: Patient living at home with full time carer; BI score ≥ 35; ≥9 MMSE <21; Dementia as primary condition or as Parkinsons Disease.

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention: web-based: education; music; relaxation techniques; forum; self-monitoring tasks.

Control group: Usual care

Primary (Carer): Burden (Zarit); Psychiatric/behavioural problems (NPI); Depression (Behavioural: DBI; Sensory: Zung); Quality of life (EQ5D;).

Primary (PwC): Cognitive functioning (MMSE; DRS2); everyday activities, self-care and personality change (BDRS); Clinical Dementia Rating Scale; memory and behaviour (RMBPC); Depression (GDS); Functional disability (BI); daily living (LADL); comorbidity (CCI) Follow-up: 3 & 6 mths

Significant improvement in QoL of caregivers in intervention participants, with some reduction in burden and distress.

Training in program Confidence and awareness of health, provided dementia information

 Van der Roest et al. 2009 [24] NRCT Netherlands

Sample: recruited: 28

Consent rate: NR Setting: Amsterdam

Diagnostic group: Caregivers and people with dementia

Inclusion criteria: general: ≥4 h per/week caring for community-dwelling dementia patient; to be in experimental: care recipient lives in Amsterdam district; familiar with computers and the internet

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention: internet-based: tailored; information; resources; advice

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Needs assessment (CANE); burden (SSCQ); self-efficacy (PMS)

Secondary: QoL (QoL-AD); knowledge about care and welfare

Follow-up: 2 mths

Intervention participants reported more met and less unmet needs, and higher competence

Intervention was easy to learn and relatively user friendly Intervention used program 5.14 times Mean session duration: 14:36 mins

 Van Mierlo et al. 2015 [25] RCT The Netherlands

Sample: recruited: 73; analysed T1: 64; analysed T2: 49

Consent rate: 89%

Setting: Several regions of the Netherlands (Amsterdam Zuidoost, Amsterdam Nieuw-West, regions of Lelystad and Amstelveen)

Inclusion criteria: Informal caregivers of people with Dementia; computer with internet capabilities; knows how to use computer

Exclusion criteria: Not able to understand/read Dutch; anticipated nursing home admission ≤6mths

Intervention: internet-based: available for 1 yr.; case manager and carer access tailored; advice

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Needs of people with Dementia (CANE)

Secondary: Competence (SSCQ); QoL (EQ5D + c); stress (NPI)

Follow-up: 6 mths; 12 mths

Increased competence in intervention participants at 12 mths. Active users in the intervention group reported more met needs than controls at 6 mths.

Easy to learn and user friendly. 5 pts. never logged in. 5 in intervention never logged in 16 classified as low frequent users (≤6 logins); 20 classified as high frequent users (≥7 logins).


  Czaja et al. 2013 [53]  RCT USA

Sample: recruited 110

Consent rate: 87%

Inclusion criteria: ≥21 yrs.; English/Spanish speaking; caregiver for person with AD; ≥4 h /day caring in last 6 mths; MMSE patients < 24; telephone.

Exclusion: carer/PWD illness, MMSE = 0

Intervention: education and skills training, 6 × 1-h sessions (2 in-home and 4 via video); 5 video support groups.

Delivered by: online and certified interventionists

Attention control: same level of contact - nutrition and diet.

Control group: written education materials + brief phone call.

Primary: Depression (CES-D); Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist; social support; positive caring.

Follow-up: 5 month follow-up

Intervention participants experienced decreases in caregiver burden, increased appreciation of the positive aspects of caregiving, and greater satisfaction with social support.

No benefit of the intervention for depression.

Useful, easy to use, support groups, video-phone and resource guide valuable

 Eisdorfer et al. 2003 [49] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 225; analysed: 147

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Miami site of REACH program

Inclusion criteria: care recipient had probable ADRD or MMSE < 24; care recipient has dependency/limitation in daily living; carer lives with patient; ≥4 h per day caring for ≥6 mths; one other family member agrees to participate who provides emotional/instrumental support.

Exclusion: Caregiver has a terminal/severe illness/disability; not residing in Miami in 6mths.

Intervention 1: computer-telephone integrated system: calls; discussion groups; voice messaging; therapist reminders; resources

Intervention 2: Structured family therapy (SET)

Delivered by: therapists

Control group 2: Minimal therapy

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Secondary: Caregiver burden (RMBPC); Satisfaction with social support

Follow-up: 6 and 18 months

At the 6 mths follow-up the integrated system group reported significant reduction in depressive symptoms, relative to other groups At 18mths follow-up the reduced depressive symptoms was maintained for Cuban Americans and White Non-Hispanics

User guides, reminders 56 average contacts 19 h average time using system

 Finkel et al. 2007 [50] Pilot RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 46; analysed: 36

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Community-based social service agency

Inclusion criteria: ≥4 h care per day for a relative with Alzheimer’s or dementia for ≥6mths; ≥21 yrs.; living with or same geographic area as patient; telephone; intending to stay in geographic area ≥ 6mths; English competency; MMSE ≤ 23

Exclusion: Caregiver or care recipient has: life expectancy ˂6mths; blind or deaf. Care recipient MMSE = 0 or bedbound.

Intervention: computer-telephone integrated system: calls; messaging; information and services; education sessions; support group sessions. 2 x in-home sessions (first & @ 6mths)

Delivered by: certified clinical social workers

Control group: Basic education material; 2 x call <15mins

Primary: Depression (CES-D)

Secondary: Caregiver burden (RMBPC); Caregiver health care behaviours (Caregiver Health & Health Behaviour Scale); Social Support (Revised scale of Inventory of Social Supportive Behaviors)

Follow-up: 6 mths

Intervention participants reported significantly reduced burden Intervention participants with high depression at baseline reported significant decline in depression Intervention participants reported significantly increased confidence in caregiving and improved ability to provide care

Trained in use 60% completed all sessions 80% support groups attendance 8 h contact over study Support groups valuable, system easy to use, helpful, valuable

 Hicken et al. 2016 [55] RCT USA

Sample: 231 caregivers; stratified by level comfort with internet and rurality.

Consent rate: NR

Setting: VA medical centre, residing in community

Exclusion: care recipient bedbound; had cancer or serious mental illness diagnosis; life expectancy of <16 weeks; unable to give informed consent

Intervention 1: Internet via computer 3 days per week for 10–15 min; videos caregiving skills; written information; brief health assessments 2–3 per week;

Remote monitoring by Case Manager

Intervention 2: Telephone support printed materials, DVD; monthly telephone calls;

Monitoring by Case Manager

Primary: Caregiver burden (ZBI); Grief (MARWIT); Depression (PHQ); family conflict (2 items); nursing home placement (DIS).

Follow-up: Baseline and post-intervention (4–6 mths)

No differences between groups on depression, burden, nursing home placement or family conflict. For experienced internet users greater reduction in grief was reported those receiving internet vs increase in symptoms for telephone.

74/231 not comfortable with internet at baseline Interacting with Case Manager important support

 Mahoney 2001 [52] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 100; analysed T1: 93; analysed T2: 86; analysed T3: 82

Consent rate: 85%

Setting: Visited in their homes

Inclusion criteria: >21 yrs.; ≥4 h daily assistance ≥6mths for family member with AD with ≥2 IDL impairments and ≥AD-related disturbing behaviour.

Exclusion: Plan to institutionalise family member ≤6mths; participating in other study; terminally ill.

Intervention Integrated telephone-computer system: modules; mailbox; voice messaging; bulletin board.

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Bothersome nature of caregiving (RMBPC); Anxiety (STAI); Depression (CES-D)

Follow-up: 6, 12, 18 mths

Adopters were older higher education and greater sense of management Those judged as more highly proficient at study commencement by RA were more likely to be adopters Preferred human interactions Effectiveness see Mahoney 2003

Training in system 55 min per user 50% at least 22 mins, 25% at least 70 mins 21% ask the expert, 24% in home support group, 57% respite and 79% counselling Use plateau first 4 mths, technical issues

 Mahoney et al. 2003 [51] RCT USA

Sample: recruited: 100; analysed T1: 93; analysed T2: 86; analysed T3: 82

Consent rate: 85%

Setting: Visited in their homes

Inclusion criteria: >21 yrs.; ≥4 h daily assistance ≥6mths for family member with AD with ≥2 IDL impairments and ≥AD-related disturbing behaviour.

Exclusion: Plan to institutionalise family member ≤6mths; participating in other study; terminally ill.

Intervention: Integrated telephone-computer system: modules; mailbox; voice messaging; bulletin board.

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Bothersome nature of caregiving (RMBPC); Anxiety (STAI); Depression (CES-D)

Follow-up: 6, 12, 18 mths

Significant effect on all 3 outcomes for those with lower mastery at baseline Intervention participants (wives only) reported significantly reduced bother

Reminders about features Used most in 4 mths 55 min/user over study 1–45 calls, up to 3 min Preferred short interactions

 Marziali & Donahue 2006 [47] Pilot RCT Canada

Sample: recruited: 66; analysed: 48

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Two remote hospitals

Diagnostic group: Caregivers

Inclusion criteria: Family caregiver; recipient has moderate disability from either Alzheimer’s, stroke-related Dementia or Parkinson’s.

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention: Internet video-conferencing: 10 × 1 h video support groups; 12 x online support groups; disease-specific support and education

Delivered by: Group therapists then peers

Control group: Usual care

Primary: Health Status (Health Status Questionnaire 12); Depression (CES-D); ADL and IADL; Distress (RMBPC); Social Support (Multi-dimensional scale of perceived social support).

Follow-up: 6 mths

No difference between the groups at follow-up on any measure When stress scores were combined (ADL/IADL & RMBPC), a significant effect was found from baseline to follow-up for intervention condition

Training in program 78% easy to use 95% support group via computer positive 61% video-conferencing helpful

 Marziali & Garcia 2011 [48] CBA Study Canada

Sample: recruited: 91

Consent rate: NR

Setting: Three cities

Diagnostic group: Caregivers

Inclusion criteria: Dementia caregivers, spousal or adult children living with care recipient

Exclusion criteria: NR

Intervention 1: web-based/video-conferencing: information; email link; chat forum; educational videos; video-conferencing link

Intervention 2: web-based: information; educational videos chat forum - clinician moderator

Primary: Caregiver health (HSQ-12); depression (CES-D); caregiver distress (SMAF); current service use; intent to continue caregiving at home

Caregiver characteristics: personality (EQO-R); neuroticism; self-efficacy (Revised scale for care-giver self-efficacy)

Follow-up: 6 mths

Video-conferencing intervention participants reported significantly great improvements in mental health For video-conferencing participants, improved mental health was associated with lower stress response

Training and facilitated chat forum monthly Video group – average 7 sessions and 5 self-help Education videos not accessed by many Problems with video software

 Steffen 2016 [54] RCT USA

Sample: 74

Consent rate: 71%

Setting: Primary care

Target: Carer and person with dementia

Inclusion: Carer: Female 30+; cohabitating with NCD; ≥2 symptoms memory/behaviour; 3 symptoms CES-D; no placement in next 6 months; no suicide attempts or risky alcohol intake; primary care.

Person dementia: confirmed diagnosis; primary care; no history schizophrenia; bipolar; alcohol, HIV, MS, Korsakoff.

Intervention 1: Behavioural coaching, with videos, workbook, 10 weekly telephone calls and w2 maintenance calls (40 min duration).

Delivered by: telephone calls from a trained coach

Intervention 2: Basic education and support materials +7 telephone calls (20 min duration)

Delivered by: a trained coach

Primary: Memory and behaviour (RMPBC); depression (BDI-II)

Secondary: Mood, Anxiety (MAACL-R), Self-efficacy (RSCS)

Follow-up: Intake, post-intervention and 6 months follow-up

Intervention participants reported Greater reduction in: depressive symptoms in intervention (Cohens d = 0.5) and upset due to behaviour in intervention (Cohens d = 0.5). Greater proportion in control had clinically significant depression (53% vs 29%, p < 0.05) Lower levels of mood (d = 0.66) and anxiety (d = 0.39) and higher levels of self-efficacy (d = 0.55 and 0.46) in intervention. Benefits for intervention maintained at 6 months

85% completed intervention phase No information on acceptability, engagement or uptake.

  1. BDI-II Brief Depression Inventory, BDRS Blessed Dementia Rating Scale, CANE Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly’, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies–Depression Scale, CCI Charlson’s Comorbidity Index, CSQ-8 Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, EQO-R Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised, FAD Family Assessment Device, GAS General Anxiety Scale, GBB-24 Giessen Subjective Complaints List, GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, GHQ-28 General Health Questionnaire – 28 item, HADs Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, IESS Instrumental Expressive Social Support Scale, IQCODE Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly, LADL LAwson Activities of Daily Living; Scale, LSNS Lubben Social Network Scale, MARWIT MARWIT-MEUSER CAREGIVER GRIEF INVENTORY, MAACL-R Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist, MOS Medical Outcomes Study, MSPSS Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, NAS Negative Affect Schedule, NPI Neuropsychiatric Inventory NR not reported, ODAFSI Ohio Department of Aging Family Satisfaction Instrument, PAC Positive Aspects of Caregiving, PANAS Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, PHQ Patient Health Questionnaire, PMS Pearlin Mastery Scale, PSS-14 Perceived Stress Scale, QoL-AD Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease, RMBCP Revised Memory and Behavioral Problem Checklist, RSCS Reading Self-Concept Scale, SEQ Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy, SF-36 Short Form-36, SMAF Functional Autonomy Measurement System, SPICC Self-Perceived Pressure from Informal Care, SSCQ Short Sense of Competence Questionnaire, STAI State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Vas visual analogue scale, ZBI Zarit Burden Interview