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Table 4 Unstandardized coefficients of the regression models for ageing perceptions

From: Positive ageing perceptions among migrant Turkish and native Dutch older people: a matter of culture or resources?


Timeline chronic/acute

(negative perceptions)

Timeline cyclical

(negative perceptions)

Consequence positive

(positive perceptions)

Consequence negative

(negative perceptions)

Control positive

(positive perceptions)

Control negative

(positive perceptions)

Emotional representations

(negative perceptions)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Model I

B (SE)

Model II

B (SE)

Cultural resources

 Turkish ethnicity

.43 (.05)***

.36 (.08)***

.75 (.05)***

.69 (.07)***

.24 (.05)***

.33 (.07)***

.49 (.05)***

.40 (.07)***

−.22 (.05)***

−.22 (.07)***

−.20 (.04)***

−.17 (.07)**

.45 (.05)***

.29 (.08)***

Physical resources

 Poor health


.37 (.05)***


.47 (.05)***


−.12 (.05)*


.61 (.05)***


−.25 (.05)***


−.26 (.04)***


.42 (.05)***

Personal resources



.04 (.00)***


.02 (.00)***


−.01 (.00)


.03 (.00)***


−.01 (.00)***


−.02 (.00)***


.01 (.00)*

 Low educational level


.24 (.06)***


.01 (.06)


−.13 (.06)*


.11 (.06)*


−.10 (.06)


−.12 (.06)*


.13 (.07)*

 Female gender


−.07 (.05)*


−.02 (.05)


.08 (.05)


.02 (.05)


−.02 (.05)


−.01 (.05)


.02 (.05)

Economic resources

 Low income


.01 (.06)


.06 (.05)


.01 (.06)


.06 (.05)


.09 (.06)


−.02 (.05)


.04 (.06)

Social resources



.02 (.06)


.04 (.05)


.04 (.05)


−.04 (.05)


−.02 (.05)


−.02 (.05)


.04 (.05)

R 2















  1. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. SE standard error