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Table 2 Baseline participant characteristics

From: Podiatry intervention versus usual care to prevent falls in care homes: pilot randomised controlled trial (the PIRFECT study)

Characteristics at screeninga

Podiatry intervention group n = 23

Usual care group n = 20

Total n = 43

Male, n (%)

3 (13%)

5 (25%)

8 (19%)

Female, n (%)

20 (87%)

15 (75%)

35 (81%)

Age (years), mean (sd)

86.9 (6.2)

85.9 (7.8)

86.4 (6.9)

Body mass indexb, mean (sd)

24.2 (4.6)

28.3 (5.8)

26.1 (5.5)

MMSE, mean (sd)

21.2 (5.4)

21.0 (5.3)

21.2 (5.3)

Medical History, n (%)


2 (8.7%)

2 (10%)

4 (9.3%)

Peripheral neuropathy

1 (4.3%)

0 (0%)

1 (2.3%)


12 (52.2%)

8 (40%)

20 (46.5%)

Previous CVA

8 (34.8)

3 (15%)

11 (25.6)

Peripheral vascular disease

1 (4.3%)

2 (10%)

3 (7%)


5 (21.7%)

3 (15%)

8 (18.6%)

Heart failure

2 (8.7%)

3 (15%)

5 (11.6)

≥4 prescribed medications

22 (95.7%)

19 (95%)

41 (95.3)

Eye problems (n, %)

Partially sighted

4 (17.4%)

3 (15%)

7 (16.3%)

Registered blind

0 (0%)

4 (20%)

4 (9.3%)

Uses walking aids (n,%)

18 (78.3%)

18 (90%)

36 (83.7%)

Currently accessing podiatry services (n,%)

23 (100%)

20 (100%)

43 (100%)

  1. MMSE Mini-Mental State Exam, Higher score better cognition
  2. aFor continuous variables, means and standard deviations are given. For categorical variables, proportions in each category are given
  3. bweight/height2