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Table 1 Search strings employed and yield associated with searches of four electronic databases

From: Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for sarcopenia - a meta-analysis

Database (yield)

Search terms


Search (sarcopenia [Title] OR “low muscle mass” [Title] OR “lean body mass” [Title] OR “skeletal muscle mass” [Title]) AND (alcohol* OR “alcohol drink*” OR “alcohol consumption” OR ethanol)

Web of Knowledge

TITLE: (sarcopenia OR “low muscle mass” OR “lean body mass” OR “skeletal muscle mass”) AND TOPIC: (alcohol* OR “alcohol drink*” OR “alcohol consumption” OR ethanol)


TI (sarcopenia OR “low muscle mass” OR “lean body mass” OR “skeletal muscle mass”) AND TX (alcohol* OR “alcohol drink*” OR “alcohol consumption” OR ethanol)


TITLE (sarcopenia OR “low muscle mass” OR “lean body mass” OR “skeletal muscle mass”) and (alcohol* OR “alcohol drink*” OR “alcohol consumption” OR ethanol)