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Table 3 Comparison of severity of BPSD, caregiver distress and care burden 1 (n = 99)

From: Family caregiver challenges in dementia care in Australia and China: a critical perspective


Australian Med3(Q1-Q3)4

Chinese Med3(Q1-Q3)4

P = value5

Total severity of BPSD2 (12 items)

10 (5-16)

14 (8-15)

P = 0.423

Total caregiver distress due to BPSD2 (12 items)

12 (5-20)

12 (7-18)

P = 0.889

Time-dependence burden (5 items)

14 (11-17)

17 (12-19)

P = 0.083

Developmental Burden (5 items)

15 (12-16)

10 (6-13)

P = 0.0005*

Physic Burden (4 items)

10 (8-12)

10 (5-14)

P = 0.779

Social Burden (5 items)

8 (4-12)

4 (2-6)

P = 0.0005*

Emotional burden (5 items)

6 (3-9)

2 (0-6)

P = 0.0005*

  1. 1Subjective burden: Level 1 analyses in Giddens’ Structuration Theory Framework; see Additional file 2 that shows the integration of the subjective burden into the findings; 2Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (please see Additional file 4); 3Med = median; 4Q1-Q3 = interquartile range; 5The p-value is based on Mann-Whitney test; *p <0.05.