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Table 1 Differences between the prevention and reactivation care program and two other hospitals in The Netherlands

From: Situational awareness, relational coordination and integrated care delivery to hospitalized elderly in The Netherlands: a comparison between hospitals


Hospital A - prevention and reactivation care program

Hospital B

Hospital C

Hospital care

Identification of vulnerable older patient within 48 h

Start reactivation treatment after discharge

Start reactivation path after discharge

Assessment of risk factors for functional decline

Start reactivation treatment within 48 h

Medication safety project

Medication safety project

Clinical geriatrician

Clinical geriatrician (consultation two days a week)

Geriatric nurses

Electronic patient record including targeted consultation (consult dietitian based on SNAQ scores)

Central intake prior to admission including screening frail elderly and development individualized care plan

Multidisciplinary approach

Weekly multidisciplinary team meeting

Key professional is responsible for treatment and interdisciplinary consults

Key professional is responsible for treatment and interdisciplinary consults

Treatment and care focused on medical condition

and functioning in six domains (i.e. physical, mental, social, financial, home, and care)

Discussion and coordination focused on medical condition

Discussion and coordination focused on medical condition

Goal-orientated approach


Patient orientated integrated treatment plan

Separate treatment plans

Separate treatment plans

Discussion treatment with patient during entire treatment path

Treatment coherence determined by patient

Treatment coherence determined by patient


Problem solving
