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Table 1 The Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the systematic review

From: Acute care models for older people living with frailty: a systematic review and taxonomy




Study type

Taxonomy development

I. Randomised and non-randomised controlled trials

II. Prospective or retrospective cohort studies (with or without comparators)

III. Study protocols

III. Systematic reviews

IV. Narrative reviews


I. Randomised and non-randomised controlled trials

II. Observational studies with an experimental design

I. Systematic reviews

II. Narrative reviews

III. Observational studies without a comparator group

IV. Study protocols without outcome data


I. I. Mean age of study participants over 65 years

II. II. Acute medical illness or acute exacerbation of chronic disease



I. Targeted at individual person (not group interventions)

II. Enrol patients within 48 h of presentation (in community or hospital setting)

III. Provide time limited episodes of care (up to 14 days)

I. Community models that do not provide a replacement for acute bed-based care (no access to hospital level diagnostics or treatments)

II. Outpatient ambulatory or home intravenous antibiotics services

III. Reablement or transitional care services providing care after resolution or acute illness

IV. Home hospice models

V. Mental health, paediatric, surgical and obstetric models