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Table 1 Demographic patient data

From: Operative treatment of nonunions in the elderly: Clinical and radiographic outcomes in patients at minimum 75 years of age

Demographic data




Number of patients


16 (35.6%)

29 (64.4%)

Distribution M: F

13: 32

3: 13

10: 19

Median age in years (range)

79 (75 – 96)

78.5 (75 – 95)

80 (75 – 96)

Median NUSS (range)

32 (17 – 48)

33 (17 – 46)

32 (24 – 48)

Mechanism of injury

Fall: 42 (93.3%)

Fall: 15 (93.8%)

Fall: 27 (93.1%)

MVA: 3 (6.7%)

MVA: 1 (6.3%)

MVA: 2 (6.9%)

Median number of previous surgeries (range)

1 (0 – 4)

0 (0 – 4)

1 (1 – 4)


1: 1 (2.2%)

2: 11 (68.8%)

1: 1 (3.5%)

2: 28 (62.2%)

3: 5 (31.3%)

2: 17 (58.6%)

3: 16 (35.6%)


3: 11 (37.9%)

Fracture type according to the AO/OTA classification

A1: 4 (8.9%)

A1: 3 (18.8%)

A1: 1 (3.5%)

A2: 7 (15.6%)

A2: 4 (25%)

A2: 3 (10.3%)

A3: 8 (17.8%)

B1: 1 (6.3%)

A3: 8 (27.6%)

B1: 1 (2.2%)

B2: 3 (18.8%)

B2: 1 (3.5%)

B2: 4 (8.9%)

B3: 1 (6.35%)

B3: 1 (3.5%)

B3: 2 (4.4%)

C2: 2 (12.5%)

C3: 1 (3.5%)

C2: 2 (4.4%)

C3: 2 (12.5%)


C3: 3 (6.7%)





A: 1 (2.2%)


A: 1 (3.5%)

B: 1 (2.2%)


B: 1 (3.5%)

C: 11 (24.4%)


C: 11 (37.9%)

D: 1 (2.2%)


D: 1 (3.5%)

Weber & Çech nonunion classification

Atrophic: 14 (31.1%)

Atrophic: 9 (56.3%)

Atrophic: 5 (17.2%)

Oligotrophic: 23 (51.1%)

Oligotrophic: 7 (43.8%)

Oligotrophic: 16 (55.2%)

Hypertrophic: 8 (17.8%)


Hypertrophic: 8 (27.6%)