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Table 3 Principal Component Analysis

From: Exploring factors that influence HRQoL for people living with Parkinson’s in one region of Ireland: A cross-sectional study



PDQ-39 Underlying Latent Variables



This component incorporated all 13 questions from the first two dimensions of the PDQ-39 scale; Mobility and Activities Daily Living (ADL). The essence of this component reflects participants’ views around the HRQoL impact of Parkinson’s on perceived independence/dependence.


PDQ-39 Mobility dimension (Q1-Q10)

PDQ-39 ADL dimension (Q11-Q13)


Experiencing stigma

This component incorporated 2 questions from the PDQ-39 Communication dimension and 2 from the original Stigma dimension. This component elucidates the impact of perceived stigma, particularly when communicating and interacting with other people on participants’ HRQoL


PDQ-39 Communication dimension (Q34-Q35)

PDQ-39 Stigma dimension (Q25, Q26)


Emotional well-being

This component incorporated five questions from the PDQ-39 Emotional well-being dimension and explains patterns relating to the influence of emotional well-being on participants’ HRQoL.


PDQ-39 Emotional well-being dimension (Q17-Q20, Q22)


Experiencing pain

This component included 2 questions from the Bodily discomfort dimension and reflects the impact of painful experiences such as cramps, spasms, aching/painful joints or body on participants’ HRQoL.


PDQ-39 Bodily discomfort dimension (Q37 and Q38)