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Table1 Baseline characteristics of study’s participants stratified by exercise group

From: The effect of the inclusion of trunk-strengthening exercises to a multimodal exercise program on physical activity levels and psychological functioning in older adults: secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled trial


All (n = 64)

Trunk strengthening (n = 32)

Walking-balance (n = 32)

Age, years

69.8 ± 7.5

70.1 (7.7)

69.4 (7.3)

Sex n (%) female

38 (59.4)

18 (56.3)

20 (62.5)

Height, cm

165.1 (9.0)

166.5 (9.2)

163.8 (8.9)

Weight, kg

74.9 (14.8)

74.3 (14.0)

75.4 (15.8)

BMI, kg/m2

27.3 ± 4.7

26.6 (3.2)

28.1 (5.8)

Sitting height, cm

80.5 ± 5.0

81.5 (4.9)

79.5 (4.9)

Living status

 Lived with one or more than one person (%)

18 (28.1)

9 (28.1)

9 (28.1)

 Lived alone (%)

46 (71.9)

23 (71.9)

23 (71.9)

Could drive (%)

62 (96.9)

32 (100)

30 (94)

Used glasses or contact lens (%)

55 (85.9)

25 (78.1)

30 (93.8)

Used hearing aids (%)

8 (12.5)

4 (12.5)

4 (12.5)

Used walking aid (%)




History of falls over past one month

 Falls n (%)

6 (9.4)

2 (6.3)

4 (12.5)

History of falls over past 12 months

 Falls (%)

12 (18.8)

6 (18.8)

6 (18.8)


 1–2 medications n (%)

27 (42.2)

14 (43.7)

13 (40.6)

 3 medications or more n (%)

22 (12.5)

10 (31.3)

12 (37.6)

 No medications n (%)

15 (23.4)

8 (25.0)

7 (21.8)

Self-reported physical activity

 Moderately active (1—2 times/week) n (%)

34 (53.1)

14 (43.7)

20 (62.5)

 Very active (3 times/week) n (%)

28 (43.8)

16 (50.0)

12 (37.5)

 Not very active (rarely leaves house) n (%)

2 (3.1)

2 (6.3)

0 (0)

  1. Values are presented as mean (SD) or as number and percentage
  2. Note. Adapted from “Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial”, by Shahtahmassebi, B., Hebert, J. J., Hecimovich, M., & Fairchild, T. J (2019), Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 29(7), 980–991.