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Table 1 Variable description

From: A study on the impact of Internet use on depression among Chinese older people under the perspective of social participation


Variable definition and assignment

Dependent variable

 CES-D score (Depressive status)

continuous variable (CES-D score range 10 to 40) the higher the score, the more serious the depression.

Independent variable

 Internet use

yes = 1, no = 0

Control variables


man = 1, woman = 0


actual age at the time of interview survey year - respondent’s year of birth

 Education level

primary school and below =1, junior high school = 2 senior high school = 3, higher education = 4

 Marital status

married = 1, separated, single, divorced or widowed = 0

 Smoking status

yes = 1, no = 0

 Drinking status

yes = 1, no = 0


urban = 1, rural = 0

 Religious belief

yes = 1, no = 0

 Political status

the Chinese Communist party member = 1, other = 0

 Air quality status

completely satisfied = 5, very satisfied = 4, somewhat satistied = 3, not very satisfied = 2, not at all satisfied = 1

 Medical insurance

covered medical insurance = 1, without medical insurance = 0

Mediating variable

 Social capital

Standardized social capital index