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Table 2 Outcome measures used to examine the success and/or effectiveness of co-design

From: The use of co-design in developing physical activity interventions for older adults: a scoping review

Indirect Methods

Participant Satisfaction


-Gaming Experience Questionnaire [38]

-Fall Prevention Program Satisfaction Questionnaire [64]

-Program and Engagement Satisfaction Surveys [52, 59]

-Physical Activity Adherence Questionnaire [38]

-Attendance recorded [52, 56, 59]

-Recorded the number of days or time the product was used [66, 67]

PA Measures

-Functional Capacity measured by The Senior Fitness Test [38]

-Fall Prevention Behaviors Questionnaire to assess five areas: 1) fall prevention practices, 2) regular vision assessment, 3) medication use, 4) exercise and 5) home environment [64]

-Physical Performance Test (PPT) to assess upper body muscle strength, lower body muscle strength, balance, and balance and gait [64]

-Recorded total steps/day [66]

-Amount of PA via accelerometer measurements [57, 58]

-Measured physical fitness using handgrip strength, chair stand, 2-min step, back scratch, sit and reach, and flamingo balance test [57, 58]

-Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) measures physical functioning using gait speed, standing balance, and lower leg strength [67]