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Table 3 Distribution of Parkinson’s disease patients with dementia prescribed anticholinergics used to treat the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ACHEIs) concurrentlya by the same or different healthcare organizations

From: Prevalence and patterns of the concurrent use of anticholinergics for the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in Parkinson’s disease patients with dementia: a cross-sectional study using Korea National Health Insurance claims data

Prescribed within the same or different healthcare organizations

No. of patients who used agents concurrently b (%)

Prescribed within the same organization

709 (83.71)

 Prescribed by the same or different prescribers

  Same prescriber

676 (95.35)

  Different prescribers

81 (11.42)

 Types of healthcare organizations

  General hospitals

285 (33.65)


168 (19.83)


145 (17.12)

  Tertiary-care hospitals

106 (12.51)

  Long-term care hospitals

61 (7.20)

  Others c

6 (0.71)

Prescribed in different organizations

217 (25.62)

  1. n = 847 Parkinson’s disease patients with dementia (concurrent use group)
  2. Abbreviations: ACHEI Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
  3. a Patients with concurrent use refer to patients prescribed both anticholinergics for the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and ACHEIs for at least 2 months
  4. b Patients can be classified into more than one group. Thus, the sum of the proportion is greater than 100%
  5. c Type of healthcare organizations of which the proportion is < 1% are classified as “Others.”