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Table 2 The criteria of physical activity levels

From: Prevalence and associated factors of possible sarcopenia and sarcopenia: findings from a Chinese community-dwelling old adults cross-sectional study



High physical activity

Meet either of the following 2 criteria

1 Have all kinds of high intensity physical activities ≥3 days, and total weekly physical activity level ≥ 1500MET·min/week.

2 Have physical activities ≥7 days, and total weekly physical activity level ≥ 3000MET·min/week.

Moderate physical activity

Meet either of the following 3 criteria

1 At least 20 minutes of high intensity physical activity each day.

2 At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity and/or walking each day.

3 Have physical activities ≥5 days, and total weekly physical activity level ≥ 600MET·min/week.

Low physical activity

Meet either of the following 2 criteria

1 No activity was reported.

2 Some activities were reported but did not meet the above criteria of high and moderate physical activity.