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Table 4 List and description of process indicators

From: Protocol for a mixed-methods and multi-site assessment of the implementation process and outcomes of a new community-based frailty programme




Data collection time-points

Patient recruitment


Number of patients recruited by GSH sites

Receptivity towards GSH

Number of enrollees recruited into each GSH site after being referred


Number, proportion of referred patients who fall within CFS 4–7

Accurate identification of frailty

CFS profiles of patients referred as scored by referral sources


Patient-focused care management


Number, proportion of CGA completed

Personalised care

Number of CGA completed vis-à-vis no. of assessments initiated


Number, proportion of ICP developed

Personalised, goal-oriented care

Total no. of ICP developed vis-à-vis the no. of CGA completed


Coordination of care


Number of multi-disciplinary rounds/discussions

Team-based care

Number of multi-disciplinary team discussions conducted


Number, proportion of referrals to services

Efficiency in care continuity

Number of referrals made to different services and the share of each service to the total no. of referrals


Number, proportion of actualised referrals

Care continuity

Number of actualised first referrals at respective services vis-à-vis the no. of referrals made to each servicea


Appointment waiting time to first appointment

Efficiency in care continuity

Waiting time for a first appointment to a referred service


Capability building


Number of community-based staff trained to conduct specific activities (CGA, exercise)

Capability building

Number of community-based healthcare participants in training sessions organised by the GSHb


  1. CFS Clinical Frailty Score, CGA Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments, ICP Individualised Care Plans, GSH Geriatric Services Hub
  2. aActualised first referrals refers to the number of first referrals where the patients the referrals were made for turned up
  3. bTraining sessions include preceptorship-based training and case discussions