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Table 1 Items in the AKO

From: Psychometric evaluation of a short-form version of the Swedish “Attitudes to and Knowledge of Oral Health” questionnaire

Attitudes to oral hygiene

  Item 1- I think it feels nasty to take care of other people’s mouths  

  Item 2- I think oral care is part of my job duties

  Item 3- I think it is practically difficult to perform oral care

  Item 4- The caregiver refuses to receive help with oral care

Implementation possibilities

What opportunities do you think you have when it comes to offering oral care to the healthcare provider you are responsible for?

  Item 5- I can take the time needed to provide oral care

  Item 6- I have enough knowledge to perform proper oral care

  Item 7- I have appropriate aids for the implementation of proper oral care

  Item 8- I know how to practically perform oral care

  Item 9- To caregivers who want to take care of their oral care themselves, I can give appropriate oral care advice

  Item 10- By actively informing “reluctant” caregivers, I can in the long run get them to accept help with oral care

Knowledge of importance

What skills do you think are important for being able to perform good oral care?

  Item 11- Assistive products and oral care

  Item 12- Diseases affecting the oral cavity

  Item 13- Various artificial (prosthetic) dental substitutes

  Item 14- What the healthy oral cavity looks like

  Item 15- Oral physiological function (e.g., chewing, swallowing, speech)

  Item 16- The psychosocial function of the oral cavity (e.g., appearance, well-being)

  1. AKO (Attitudes to and Knowledge of Oral health questionnaire)
  2. Highlighted items are the 13 items that remain and should be included in the short version of the questionnaire