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Table 3 Overview of the independent variables

From: Factors associated with older persons’ perceptions of dignity and well-being over a three-year period. A retrospective national study in residential care facilities

Descriptions and Questions

Response alternatives and Measurement scales



Individual factors


1 = 65–79 years

2 = 80 years and older


Patient register


1 = Male

2 = Female


Patient register

 Dementia diagnosis/prescribed medication for dementia

1 = Not Dementia

2 = Dementia


Patient register

Medical register

 How do you rate your health?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = Very good

2 = Quite good

3 = Fairly

4 = Quite poor

5 = Very poor

1 = Good (1,2,3)

2 = Poor


NBHW survey

 How do you rate your mobility indoors?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = I can move around by myself without difficulties

2 = I have some difficulties moving around by myself

3 = I have major difficulties moving around by myself

4 = I cannot move around by myself

1 = Can move around by myself (1) 2 = Difficulties/cannot move around by myself (2,3,4)

NBHW survey

Attitudes of staff

 Have you experienced any of the following in your contact with staff?

 1.Did not show respect for your privacy, e.g., did not knock on the door before entering your room

 2.Made negative comments about you, your belongings, or your home

 3.Treated you disrespectfully in words or gestures

 4.Treated you like a child

 5.Denied your wishes for the help to be received

 6.Denied your wishes at mealtimes

 7.Did not show respect in toileting, bathing and dressing

 8.Was harsh about toileting, bathing and dressing

 9.Kept distance in nursing

 10.Acted inappropriately in any other way

1 = Not experienced

2 = Experienced


NBHW survey

Care environment

 Do you thrive in your apartment?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = Yes

2 = Partly

3 = No


NBHW survey

 Are the public indoor areas pleasant?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = Yes……3 = No


NBHW survey

 Are the outside areas pleasant?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = Yes……3 = No


NBHW survey

 Do you experience mealtimes as a pleasant time of the day?

Ordinal response treated as categorical variable

1 = Yes, always

2 = Mostly

3 = Sometimes

4 = Seldom

5 = No, never


NBHW survey