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Table 2 Participants reported outcomes of men aged 73 years old (n = 684) 

From: Validation of the Dyspnoea-12 and Multidimensional Dyspnea profile among older Swedish men in the population

Variable (non-missing observations)

Mean (SD) or Frequency (%)

D12 (n = 684)


1.7 (4.2)

 Physical domain score

1.1 (2.5)

 Affective domain score

0.6 (1.8)

D12, respiratory disease (n = 111) *


3.6 (6.4)

 Physical domain score

2.4 (3.8)

 Affective domain score

1.3 (2.9)

D12, cardiovascular disease (n = 246) **


2.4 (5.2)

 Physical domain score

1.6 (3.1)

 Affective domain score

0.9 (2.3)

MDP (n = 684)

 A1 unpleasantness score

0.7 (1.4)

 Immediate Perception

2.7 (6.5)

 Emotional response

1.8 (5.1)

MDP, respiratory disease (n = 111) *

 A1 unpleasantness score

1.3 (2.0)

 Immediate Perception

5.4 (9.9)

 Emotional response

2.8 (5.9)

MDP, cardiovascular disease (n = 246) **

 A1 unpleasantness score

1.0 (1.7)

 Immediate Perception

3.8 (8.3)

 Emotional response

2.3 (5.8)

mMRC class (n = 668)


453 (68%)


98 (15%)

  ≥ 2

117 (18%)

ESAS-r breathlessness scale (n = 672)

1.8 (2.4)

SF12 PCS (n = 672)

46.7 (9.0)

SF12 MCS (n = 672)

54.4 (8.9)

HADS total (n = 642)

6.4 (5.9)

HADS depression (n = 664)

3 (3.1)

HADS anxiety (n = 657)

3.4 (3.5)

Facit fatigue (n = 677)

42 (8.9)

  1. D12 Dyspnoea-12, MDP multidimensional dyspnoea profile, mMRC Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale, ESAS-r Edmonton Symptom Assessment System. Revised, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, SF12 PCS Short form 12 item (version 2) physical health composite score, SF12 MCS Short form 12 item (version 2) mental health composite score
  2.  *COPD, asthma, tuberculosis, sleep apnoea, or other lung disease
  3. **Myocardial infarction, angina, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, valvular heart, bypass, aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or stroke