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Table 1 Research progression criteria for continuing to the definitive randomized controlled trial

From: HIP Fracture REhabilitation Program for older adults with hip fracture (HIP-REP) based on activity of daily living: a feasibility study





Participant recruitment

Inclusion rate of at least 1.25 participant per week (approximately n = 5 per month)

(n < 4 after first month). If recruitment rate falls behind, reasons for exclusion will be explored after the first month to adjust eligibility criteria

No recruitment after 2 months

Completion of the outcome measures

Mean < 60 min to complete all objective outcome measures and that participants found duration acceptable

Mean < 90 min to complete all objective outcome measures

 > 90 min to complete all objective outcome measures

Participant retention

Ten or more participants attend at 12-week follow-up

Only 6–9 participants attend to 12-week follow-up

Below 6 participants attend to 12-weeks follow-up

Adherence to intervention

Minimum 75% of participants adhering to at least 75% of the intervention sessions

Only 50–75% of participants adhering to 2–3 of intervention sessions

 < 50% of participants adhering to intervention sessions

Adverse events

No or minor adverse events and no participants discontinuing the study

Minor or serious adverse events leading to 2 or less participants discontinuing the study

Serious adverse events leading to > 2 participants discontinuing the study

  1. Research progression criteria were based on a traffic light of green (go), amber (amend) and red (stop) [15]. Results of these research progression criteria were evaluated by authors, who recommended whether to proceed with the definitive randomized controlled trial, and which amendments that needed to be made before proceeding