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Table 1 Consensus criteria identified for FOCUS Delphi process (

From: An international Delphi consensus process to determine a common data element and core outcome set for frailty: FOCUS (The Frailty Outcomes Consensus Project)

Consensus Criteria

1. Consensus that a data element/outcome is important for a core domain set: ≥ 80% of participants in all groups scored the item as "critically important to include in a core set" (score 7 to 9) and <  = 10% score as 1–3; these items are acknowledged in subsequent rounds as having met criteria for importance to a core set, and held for final round discussion

2. Consensus that a data element/outcome will NOT be included: ≥ 50% of participants in all groups scored the item as of "limited importance" (score 1 to 6); these items are dropped from Delphi and are not to be part of core set

3. Dissensus but important to one group: 80% + participants in one of our groups score items as critically important for a core set (score 7 to 9); data element/outcome continues on to next round as having no consensus yet; if data element/outcome does not reach consensus level at end of Delphi, but still important to one group, it will be held for final round discussion

4. No consensus: All other results; data element/outcome continues to next round as having no consensus yet. If data element/outcome does not achieve consensus by last round, and no groups have supported it ≥ 80%, then data element/outcome is not endorsed for core set