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Table 3 Outcome Evaluations

From: Evaluations of postoperative transitions in care for older adults: a scoping review

Author/Study Design

Population Health Measures

Experience Measures

Cost Measures

Missel et al., 2015; Quasi-experimental intervention study


Patient experience: patient experience regarding whether they felt supported with transitioning back to daily life, and patient rated physiological, psychological, social and existential outcomes using a questionnaire based on two validated questionnaires


Sawatzky et al., 2013; Randomized clinical trial, two group, repeated measures design

Quality of life: measured using The Short Form-36 Health Survey; physical and mental component scores were also calculated.

Specific symptoms related to cardiac surgery recovery: using the patient-reported Symptom Inventory and via interviews

Patient satisfaction: quality of service and the amount of help received was measured using the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8).

Utilization of care: The Health Care Resources Utilization (HCRU) Questionnaire was developed by the researchers to operationalize the outcome of healthcare costs. This questionnaire simply elicited the self-reported number of participant contacts/visits with their primary care provider and cardiologist, as well as emergency department (ED) visits and hospital admissions at the 2 and 6-week post discharge interviews.

Young et al., 2013; Two-arm, parallel-group multi-center randomized trial

Distress and quality of life: Distress measured using the Distress Thermometer and quality of life measured using a PROM called the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Colorectal (FACT-C, specific to colorectal cancer).

Patient experience: patient experience of care coordination using a questionnaire; patient experience of cancer care coordination using the Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form (SCNS-SF34); patient views of the intervention using interviews.

Utilization of care: postoperative neoadjuvant therapy, readmission, ED visits at 1 and 6 months using a questionnaire.

Middleton et al., 2004; Randomized controlled trial

Stroke risk factors: using blood pressure

Cholesterol level: using a single question

Health status: self-reported measured using a likert-scale

Physical activity: self-reported measured using questionnaire

Smoking status: self-reported using a single question

Changes to lifestyle to reduce risk of stroke: self-reported using questionnaire



Norcott et al., 2020; Observational cohort study



Utilization of care: non-routine urgent postoperative care, defined as 30-day Emergency Department (ED), 30-day hospital readmissions, or either

Czarnecki et al., 2019; Retrospective observational cohort study



Utilization of care: all-cause readmission within 1 year of discharge using an administrative dataset held at the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences

Smucker et al., 2019; Prediction study



Utilization of care: failure to discharge home, intermediate care in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF,) 90-day unplanned readmission

McDonald et al., 2018; Cohort study

Complications: obtained using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes associated with the index surgical hospitalization obtained from billing data

Delirium: measured using the Confusion Assessment Method criteria


Utilization of care: length of stay (LOS), readmission rates (7-day and 30-day, all-cause inpatient readmission), and discharge disposition (home with self-care vs need for ongoing health services including home health, skilled nursing facility, or hospice) was obtained via medical records

Shargall et al., 2016; Pilot retrospective cohort study

Mortality: overall 60-day mortality and mortality for readmitted patients up to 60 days after readmission

Patient satisfaction: patient satisfaction of the Integrated Comprehensive Care Program using a satisfaction survey

Utilization of care: hospital length of stay, 60-day readmission rate, 60-day Emergency Room visits collected via the St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton administrative dataset and the Local Health Integration Network-integrated dataset

Economic analysis: cost of intervention reported only in intervention arm (no comparison of homecare costs was possible) based on homecare costs and comparison of inpatient costs between groups (case costing data, consisting of the average direct surgical and nonsurgical inpatient costs) according to the Ontario Case Costing Initiative methodology for 2011–2013 data

Xourafas et al., 2016; Observational cohort study



Utilization of care: 30-day readmission from dehydration or failure to thrive collected by chart review

Weinberg et al. 2007; Prospective cohort study

Freedom from pain and functional status: using questions from the PROM Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), a validated self-administered osteoarthritis instrument).

Mental health: using the mental health component of the Short Form (36-item) Health Survey.



Weinberg et al., 2007; Prospective cohort study

Freedom from pain and functional status: using questions from the PROM Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), a validated self-administered osteoarthritis instrument).

Mental health: using the mental health component of the Short Form (36-item) Health Survey.

Patient satisfaction: patient satisfaction with overall care during the post-discharge period with one question asking patients to rate their care using a likert scale


Quinlan et al., 2020; Quality Improvement project

Quality of life: measured using the Short Form (12-item) Health Survey.

Patient satisfaction: measured using a question as to whether patients thought their contact method was a good way for follow-up after hospital discharge

Gaps in care: gaps in transitional care were identified by the Advanced Practice Nurse

Brooke et al., 2019; Qualitative interview study




Oksholm et al., 2018; Qualitative interview study


Patient experience: overall patient experience using qualitative interviews and the hermeneutic analysis method


Wong et al., 2018; Pilot qualitative study

Cardiac symptoms: described by patients over the phone and categorized using New York Heart Association (NYHA)

Perceived Health: measured using a 1–10 likert scale

Self-rated Pain: using a 1–10 likert scale

Weight change: patient-reported changes in weight using a scale

Depression and Anxiety: measured using a patient screening tool

Participating in physical activity: patient-reported over the telephone


Utilization of care: 30-day readmission

Chan et al., 2017; Qualitative interview study


Patient experience: overall patient experience using interviews in order to identify the personal and systemic factors associated with care transitions, readmissions, and care satisfaction, and to inform optimal care transitions


Thomsen et al., 2017; Qualitative participatory action research


Patient experience: overall patient experience and perspectives using qualitative interviews using a participatory action research methodology


Slager et al., 2017; Qualitative interview study




Hughes et al., 2000; Descriptive qualitative study