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Table 1 Characteristics of study population

From: Validity and reliability of the Thai version of the simple frailty questionnaire (T-FRAIL) with modifications to improve its diagnostic properties in the preoperative setting

Patient characteristics (n = 300)

n (%)

Age (years), mean ± SD

70.4 ± 7.3

  < 70 years

152 (50.7%)

 70–79 years

105 (35.0%)

  ≥ 80 years

43 (14.3%)



144 (48.0%)


156 (52.0%)


 Elementary school or lower

193 (64.8%)

 High school or above

105 (35.2%)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

 Underweight (< 18.5)

20 (6.8%)

 Normal (18.5–24.9)

149 (50.3%)

 Overweight (25–29.9)

98 (33.1%)

 Obese (≥30.0)

29 (9.8%)

Cognitive status

 No cognitive impairment

121 (40.5%)

 Cognitive impairment (MoCA< 22/30)

178 (59.5%)

Barthel ADL Index, median (q25,q75)

95 (90,100)

 0–20 (suggests total dependence)

2 (0.7%)

 21–60 (severe dependence)

15 (5.0%)

 61–90 (moderate dependence)

90 (30.0%)

 91–100 (slight dependence)

193 (64.3%)

ASA physical status

 Class 1

19 (6.4%)

 Class 2

168 (56.2%)

 Class 3

105 (35.1%)

 Class 4

7 (2.3%)

Underlying disease

 Diabetes mellitus

89 (29.7%)


191 (63.7%)


26 (8.7%)

 Chronic kidney disease

66 (22.0%)

 Coronary artery disease

44 (14.7%)


6 (2.0%)


70 (23.3%)

 Peripheral vascular disease

6 (2.0%)


8 (2.7%)

Surgical service

 General surgery

2 (0.7%)

 Hepatobiliary surgery

3 (1.0%)

 Minimal invasive surgery

11 (3.7%)

 Colorectal surgery

7 (2.3%)

 Vascular surgery

26 (8.7%)

 Urology surgery

40 (13.4%)

 Orthopaedics surgery

43 (14.4%)

 Endoscopic surgery

102 (34.2%)


64 (21.5%)


 Non & Ex-smoker

285 (95.0%)


15 (5.0%)



275 (91.7%)


25 (8.3%)

Thai Frailty Index


180 (60.0%)


120 (40.0%)



44 (14.7%)


109 (36.3%)


102 (34.0%)


21 (7.0%)

 Loss of weight

93 (31.0%)

  1. Abbreviations: MoCA The Montreal Cognitive Assessment; ADL Activities of Daily Living, ASA the American Society of Anesthesiologists, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, T-FRAIL The Thai version of the Simple Frailty Questionnaire