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Table 2 Strategies used to encourage staff recruitment and participation in IMPETUS-D training

From: Evaluation of IMproving Palliative care Education and Training Using Simulation in Dementia (IMPETUS-D) a staff simulation training intervention to improve palliative care of people with advanced dementia living in nursing homes: a cluster randomised controlled trial

• Project nurse consultants employed by the provider were recruited in each city to assist with implementation and data collection activities

• General managers, nurses and PCWs were sent emails by the research team and the provider executive to inform them about the project, and flyers were put up on staff noticeboards at each care home

• Staff were paid for their time if they participated in the training (face-to-face sessions or online)

• The research team held face-to-face sessions at each care home

• Project nurse consultants and / or research team visited nursing homes to promote the training and spoke with staff in-person individually, in small groups, or at staff meetings

• Other incentive: the nursing home with the highest proportion of staff to participate in the training won a food hamper