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Table 3 Perceived Burdensomeness from Qualitative Interviews with US Chinese Older Adults with Past-month Suicidal Ideation

From: Cultural attributes of suicidal ideation among older immigrants: a qualitative study

Organizing Themes

Basic Themes

Conceptual meanings




Feel their death is worth more than their life to others


Illness and Functional Impairmentb

Distress from serious physical illness; such as medical comorbidity, self-reported health

Because I get ill often, (I often) think, would it be nice if people die without knowing it? This thought contradicts to suicide. I hope my eyes donā€™t open by the time I wake up tomorrow. My life would pass, and (so do) the awful things.


Family Burdenb

Belief that one is a burden on family

They (Chinese older adults in the US) feel being alive is to bring troubles to children. I agree with it; (being alive) is to add burden to others. Older people have no (potentials for) development.


Expendability and being unwanted by childrenb

Feel expendable, unwanted

My eldest son doesnā€™t help me. When I was young, he asked me to work for him. He was afraid that I would leave. Now that I am old and useless, he wants to kick me away.



Self-blame, shameb

Attributing adversities to self

I think my fate and personality hurt myself. So, Iā€™m unhappy now, and I canā€™t tell anybody.


Low self-esteemb

Low self-esteem

Being angry, having stomach problems, and my physical strength is not as good as beforeā€¦I feel like ten years older. I used to feel strong, and I can do anything. Now, I have little interest in doing things. I realize that I am old. This has diminished my confidence greatly, and all my hopes are shattered.



Feel useless and inability regarding social participation

Being old is useless, and I want to die if there is nothing I can do. It is meaningless to be alive.

  1. a Immigration- and acculturation-related novel attributes experienced by immigrants; b Attributes experienced by both immigrants and non-immigrants