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Table 1 KT strategies involving healthcare providers

From: Knowledge translation strategies for sharing evidence-based health information with older adults and their caregivers: findings from a persona-scenario method

Theme: Connecting to information via people and venues


Suggested KT strategies

Trust in health information from healthcare providers

Educational outreach and materials

• Create a publicity campaign targeting primary care physicians and pharmacists to inform them of the utility of the Portal or similar ICTs as a source of trustworthy information for older adult patients

• Provide printable handouts, posters, pamphlets with instructions to access the ICT or other form of specific health information

• Distribute printed outreach materials to physician offices and pharmacies; encourage placement and availability to patients or to facilitate conversations

Information technology decision support

• Encourage clinicians to push health promotion and health information to patients through targeted emails or using ICT functionality within their health record

• Enable push notifications or messages that contain a website link to access information on applicable health conditions (e.g., facts of the week), and notifications for their care plans (e.g., appointment times)

Champions/opinion leaders

• Develop relationships and connections with various health professionals to promote awareness of ICTs, including primary health care practitioners, regional health organizations, home health care and telehealth nurses, optometrists, and pharmacists, traditional healers