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Table 2 Research questions covered in the discussion guide

From: Prevention of road crashes in older adults: perspectives on facilitators, barriers and the role of the family doctor

Research questions

Interview questions

How serious is the problem perceived to be?

Do you think traffic accidents are frequent in older adults?

Does the topic of car accidents in older adults seem an important issue to you?

Do you perceive road use as dangerous because of traffic accidents involving older people?

What are the participants’ mobility patterns?

How do you usually get around to go places: walking, driving a vehicle, as passengers, public transport, other?

How many of you are pedestrians and how many are drivers?

What are the main barriers to stopping driving temporarily or permanently?

How would you feel if for some reason you were advised to stop driving, temporarily or permanently?

What problems would you perceive if you were prohibited from driving?

How would you feel if your driving license was revoked?

What are the main reasons to continue driving despite knowing that they belong to a group at high risk of accidents?

Are you considering using other alternatives instead of driving? If not, why?

If you perceive that driving is increasingly difficult as you get older, why don’t you avoid driving?

According to their experiences, what role do participants subjectively attribute to the family doctor?

Do you think that your family doctor could have a role in the matter we are discussing?

What role should your family doctor have in this matter?

Could your family doctor influence your decision to drive or not?