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Fig. 1 | BMC Geriatrics

Fig. 1

From: Predicting unplanned hospital visits in older home care recipients: a cross-country external validation study

Fig. 1

Predictive value of the risk scores per country and outcome. Predictive values of the seven risk scores per country expressed as pooled area under the curve with 95%-confidence intervals. Outcomes are presented as hospital admission (▲), emergency department visit () and any hospital visit (■), respectively. Abbreviations: AUC Area Under the Curve; CARS Community Assessment Risk Screen; CHESS MDS Changes in Health, End-stage disease and Symptoms and Signs; DIVERT Detection of Indicators and Vulnerabilities for Emergency Room Trips; EARLI Emergency Admission Risk Likelihood Index; FFC Fried’s frailty criteria; FI frailty index; PAA previous acute admissions

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