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Table 4 Variables affecting the documentation of “delirium” specifically in the discharge summary

From: The frequency and quality of delirium documentation in discharge summaries


Univariate odds ratio (95 % CI)

Admitted to surgical service

2.94 (1.29–6.70)

Male sexa

1.21 (0.55–2.63)

Formal diagnosis of delirium madeb

2.27 (0.14–37.46)

No history of dementia

0.96 (0.39–2.36)

Presence of delirium symptoms prior to admission

0.33 (0.15–0.73)

Delirium as the reason for admission to hospital

0.41 (0.18–0.93)

Delirium Type


 Hypoactive delirium

0.71 (0.29–1.78)

 Hyperactive delirium

0.90 (0.34–2.40)


Reference level

CCI, per 1-point increase

0.89 (0.74–1.08)

Structured discharge summarya c

0.55 (0.18–1.70)

LOS, per day

1.03 (0.999–1.06)

Duration of deliriumd

0.996 (0.98–1.01)

Discharge summary authore

 Early trainee

0.73 (0.29–1.85)

 Allied Health

4.62 (0.93–22.89)


0.65 (0.21–2.04)

 Senior Resident

Reference level

  1. CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, LOS length of stay
  2. aVariable identified previously to affect the rate of delirium documentation in discharge summaries [12, 27]. All other variables were selected based on consensus between researchers
  3. bDiagnosis made by any involved physician using specifically the term “delirium”
  4. cDefined as having standardized discharge summary headings (e.g. Chief complaint, HPI, Medications…etc)
  5. dDefined as proportion of hospital stay
  6. eEarly trainee = medical students, Year One residents; Senior trainees = Year Two and higher residents, fellows; Allied health = physician assistants, nurse practitioners.