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Table 1 Sample interview guide questions and prompts

From: Health care transitions for persons living with dementia and their caregivers

Sample Interview Guide Questions & Prompts

Can you tell me about time during which you moved from one person or setting in the health care system to another person or setting? *Give examples if necessary*

a. In what setting did you begin your experience?

b. What care setting did you transition to?

Optional Prompts:

Can you walk me through what happened? What aspects of your transition from X to X went well/could have been improved?

Do you think that your diagnosis of dementia influenced this experience (if yes, in what way?)

Was any organization or service helpful during or after your transition? What did X help you with? How has it been helpful?

Can you tell me about any instructions that you received, if any, from the care providers about how you could manage your condition(s) on your own?

Follow-up: Were these instructions important to your experience moving between providers/settings? Why/why not?

Can you tell me anything about the communication that you observed or were aware of between the care providers that were involved in your care?

Follow-up: Was this communication important to your

experience moving between providers/settings? Why/why not?