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Table 2 Implementation of Telemedicine into the ongoing ENTAiER-Trial – Tasks for the Study Team

From: Addressing COVID-19 challenges in a randomised controlled trial on exercise interventions in a high-risk population


Necessity, Challenge

Solution, Task

Study design

Additional questions regarding

- Feasibility (technology).

- Practicability (users).

- Satisfaction and acceptance (users).

- Barriers (users and technology).

- Interaction of patients and therapists.

- Suitability of and improvement in the medium for therapists.

- Technology and aspects of humanity and confidence.

- The degree to which the therapist and participants connect during the exercises or are restrained by the technique.

- Adaptions in trial protocol and patient information.

- Additional questions (quantitative analysis).

- Possible change in the primary objective.

- Qualitative substudy.

- Focus group.

- Potential filming of a subgroup for analysis.

- Informed consent of the subgroup.

- Adaptions in the statistical analysis.

Study centres

- Increased participant need for information.

- Little experience with media.

- Detailed information for participants, necessitating more time; repeat of information when distributing the study book.

- Discussion of hurdles, fears, and barriers; if necessary, acquaintance with the media (e.g. test video call with a family member or friend during the baseline visit).

- Technical instructions (must be repeated); for some participants, telephone support before the first group session.

- Loan tablet, if necessary.

- Instruction of assistance at home.

Study organisation

- Study organisation, coordination, and management: Planning, organisation or all items, communication with all parties, adaptation of all trial documents, questionnaires, protocols, guidance, ethical approval, discussion with sponsor, adaptation according to EMA recommendations [7].