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Table 3 Sociodemographic and health-related characteristics of physically active (more than low) and low/ no active patients

From: Types of leisure time physical activities (LTPA) of community-dwelling persons who have been screened positive for dementia


Physically active patients (more than low)

n = 238

Physically low/ no active patients

n = 198

p Value


Age, mean (SD)

79.34 (4.93)

81.06 (5.62)


Sex (female), n (%)

130 (54.6)

121 (61.1)


Years of education, mean (SD)

9.74 (2.18)

9.31 (2.10)


Living with partner (no), n (%)

98 (41.2)

116 (58.6)


Living alone (yes), n (%)

107 (45.0)

109 (55.1)


Living environment (urban), n (%)

143 (60.1)

148 (74.7)


Support of informal caregiver (no), n (%)

84 (35.4)

52 (26.4)


Perceived social support (F-SozU), mean (SD)

4.12 (0.63)

3.85 (0.68)

< .001b

Cognitive impairment (MMSE), score, mean (SD)

23.04 (4.62)

22.34 (4.99)


Depressive symptoms (GDS > 5) (yes), n (%)

23 (9.7)

44 (22.2)


Incontinence (yes), n (%)

82 (34.5)

82 (41.6)


Pain, last 4 weeks (yes), n (%)

134 (56.3)

117 (59.1)


Functional impairment (B-ADL), score, mean (SD)

2.94 (2.10)

4.15 (2.48)


Quality of life (QoL-AD), score, mean (SD)

2.87 (0.35)

2.67 (0.35)


  1. F-SozU Social Support Questionnaire, mean score 1–5, higher score indicates better social support, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, range 0–30, higher score indicates better cognitive functioning, GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, sum score 0–15, score > 5 indicates depression, B-ADL Bayer Activities of Daily Living Scale, range 0–10, lower score indicates better performance, QoL-AD Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease scale, mean sum score 1–4, higher score indicates better quality of life, SD Standard Deviation; a Pearson’s chi-squared test; b Welch’s t-test; c Adjusted p-values based on the Holm-Bonferroni method