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Table 2 Narratives of the stakeholders

From: Rice farming care as a novel method of green care farm in East Asian context: an implementation research

2–1. Positive aspects of the rice farming activity that were reported by the PWD


  I enjoyed seeing the products.

  I was happy that I could do what I was doing.


  It was good that I could talk with other people.

  I was looking forward to seeing X (a particular participant) in the session.

  A good thing was that we worked together.

2–2. Changes observed by the PWD

 I can sleep better.

 I can eat well.

 I talk more frequently.

 I see more new things in life.

2–3. Changes which were observed by the staff

 1) The relationship between PWD and their families: One participant’s family seldom visited the institution, but came on the day of the harvest, which was surprising to the staff. The family looked satisfied to see the participant enjoying agriculture as before (the participant was a farmer who had owned large rice fields).

 2) The relationship between staff members: One staff member reported that, before the project, discussions were only had between those of the same professions. However, this project enhanced the discussion between doctors, nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists, and students.

 3) The relationship between PWD and staff: One staff member found it difficult to accept the rapid change, i.e., cognitive decline, of one participant, but on seeing the participant’s enjoyment of the activity, was more able to accept these changes.

 4) The staff’s view on PWD: “They had power, and they are living with pride”; “[I realized that participants had once been] young, can walk, and can do their own business”; “At first, I was confused how to communicate with them. I was watching them. After communicating with them, I realized that you don’t need special consideration. You don’t have to talk to a person who seems unwilling to talk. I became relaxed after I got to know them better and became used to how they talk.