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Table 1 Individual characteristics of older women with a distal-forearm fracture, vertebral fracture, hip fracture, or soft-tissue injury

From: Variations in situational risk factors for fractures of the distal forearm, hip, and vertebrae in older women


Distal-forearm fracture

(N = 203)

Hip fracture (N = 375)

Vertebral fracture

(N = 189)

Soft-tissue injury

(N = 717)


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

Age at injury (mean (SD)) (years)

72.0 (7.9)

79.9 (7.0)

76.3 (7.2)

75.5 (8.7)

< 0.001

Educational level

 Junior high or above

59 (29.1)

50 (13.3)

32 (16.9)

190 (26.5)

< 0.001

 Elementary school

114 (56.1)

194 (51.8)

97 (51.3)

326 (45.5)



30 (14.8)

131 (34.9)

60 (31.8)

201 (28.0)


Living alone (yes)

14 (6.9)

44 (11.7)

29 (15.3)

58 (8.1)


Body-mass index (kg/m2)

 Underweight (< 18.5)

9 (4.4)

55 (14.7)

11 (5.8)

52 (7.3)

< 0.001

 Ideal weight (18.5 ~ 22.9)

82 (40.4)

155 (41.3)

75 (39.7)

264 (36.8)


 Overweight (23 ~ 24.9)

46 (22.7)

75 (20.0)

42 (22.2)

142 (19.8)


 Obese (≥25)

66 (32.5)

90 (24.0)

61 (32.3)

259 (36.1)


Current smoker (yes)

2 (1.0)

11 (2.9)

1 (0.5)

11 (1.5)


Regular alcohol consumption (≥3 times per week)

2 (1.0)

8 (2.1)

15 (7.9)

15 (2.1)

< 0.001

Regular exercise (≥3 times per week)

123 (60.6)

171 (45.6)

103 (54.5)

320 (44.6)

< 0.001

Bone mineral density (T-score < − 2.5)

47 (23.2)

201 (53.6)

108 (57.1)

149 (20.8)

< 0.001

Fall history in the past year (no.)


170 (83.7)

261 (69.6)

125 (66.1)

485 (67.6)



17 (8.4)

54 (14.4)

33 (17.5)

104 (14.5)


  ≥ 2

16 (7.9)

60 (16.0)

31 (16.4)

128 (17.9)


Previous fractures since the age of 50 years (yes)

28 (13.8)

110 (29.3)

53 (28.0)

92 (12.8)

< 0.001

Number of chronic conditions (medium (range))

2.0 (0 ~ 8)

3.0 (0 ~ 10)

3.0 (0 ~ 11)

2.0 (0 ~ 9)

< 0.001

Medication use

 Any medication use

133 (65.5)

325 (86.7)

155 (82.0)

593 (82.7)

< 0.001

 Antihypertensive drugs

74 (36.5)

177 (47.2)

84 (44.4)

315 (43.9)



15 (7.4)

64 (17.1)

32 (16.9)

78 (10.9)



30 (14.8)

109 (29.1)

53 (28.0)

167 (23.3)



25 (12.3)

44 (11.7)

31 (16.4)

140 (19.5)



30 (14.8)

56 (14.9)

38 (20.1)

148 (20.6)



5 (2.5)

18 (4.8)

5 (2.6)

15 (2.1)


Visual acuity


47 (23.1)

158 (42.1)

83 (43.9)

163 (22.7)

< 0.001


156 (76.9)

217 (57.9)

106 (56.1)

554 (77.3)


Use of walking aids preinjury (yes)

25 (12.3)

105 (28.0)

35 (18.5)

159 (22.2)

< 0.001

Cognitive impairment (SPMSQ ≥5)α

13 (6.4)

77 (20.5)

24 (12.7)

91 (12.7)

< 0.001

Depressive symptoms (GDS > 5)α

9 (4.4)

39 (10.4)

15 (7.9)

26 (3.6)

< 0.001

Fear of falling (medium (range)) (points)

0.5 (0 ~ 10)

1.5 (0 ~ 10)

2.0 (0 ~ 10)

2.0 (0 ~ 10)


  1. α GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, SD standard deviation, SPMSQ Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire