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Table 1 Participants’ characteristics at baseline and univariable linear regression analyses with Walk-12G scores at the 3-year follow-up as the dependent variable, N = 148

From: Perceived walking difficulties in Parkinson’s disease – predictors and changes over time

Independent variables



Univariable regression analyses



B (95% CI); β


Age (years), mean (SD)

67.9 (8.92)

0.530 (0.325, 0.734); 0.390

< 0.001

Sex (women = 1), n (%)

49 (33.1)

3.35 (− 0.806, 7.52); 0.131


Concerns about falling (FES-I), median (q1-q3)

23 (18–36)


0.733 (0.616, 0.850); 0.719

< 0.001

Dual task: perceived balance problems (yes = 1), n (%)

89 (60.1)

14.2 (10.9, 17.6); 0.576

< 0.001

Postural instability (UPDRS III, item 30, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)

112 (75.7)

8.33 (3.94, 12.8); 0.296

< 0.001

Bradykinesia (UPDRS III, item 31, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)

87 (58.8)

6.37 (2.49, 10.3); 0.260


Freezing of gait (FOGQsa, item 3, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)

81 (54.7)

11.6 (8.15, 15.2); 0.480

< 0.001

Worse lower extremity function (Five chair stands test ≥16.0 s, yes = 1), n (%)a

76 (51.4)

6.55 (2.74, 10.4); 0.271


Orthostatism (NMSQuest, item 20, yes = 1), n (%)

73 (49.3)

8.12 (4.39, 11.9); 0.336

< 0.001

Bothered by pain (yes = 1), n (%)

93 (62.8)

7.62 (3.72, 11.6); 0.305

< 0.001

Cognitive functioning (MoCA), mean (SD)

25.7 (3.06)


−1.24 (− 1.86, −0.623); − 0.314

< 0.001

Fatigue (NHP-EN, yes = 1), n (%)

76 (51.4)

11.2 (7.73, 14.8); 0.465

< 0.001

General Self-Efficacy (GSE), mean (SD)

29.9 (6.19)


−0.735 (− 1.03, − 0.436); − 0.375

< 0.001

Depressive symptoms (GDS-15), median (q1-q3)

2 (1–4)


1.53 (0.851, 2.21); 0.352

< 0.001

  1. Walk-12G = Generic Walk-12 (0–42, higher = worse); B = unstandardized regression coefficient; β = standardized regression coefficient; FES-I Falls Efficacy Scale-International (16–64, higher = worse), UPDRS III Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, motor examination (item scores 0–4, higher = worse), FOGQsa Self-administered version of the Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (item 3 scores 0–4, higher = worse), NMSQuest Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment (0–30, higher = better), NHP-EN Energy subscale of the Nottingham Health Profile (those who affirmed at least one out of three dichotomous questions were classified as having fatigue), GSE General Self-Efficacy Scale (10–40, higher = better), GDS-15 Geriatric Depression Scale (0–15, higher = worse)
  2. a12 participants did not manage the test. These were categorized as having worse lower extremity function (i.e. ≥ 16.0 s)