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Table 5 Final model for the association between violence victimization and physical health status. Sense of coherence (SOC) was found to have a mediating effect on the association between polyvictimization and physical ill-health. No significant effect was found for reporting only one form of victimization. Social support moderated the mediation effect but not the direct effect

From: Lifetime prevalence of polyvictimization among older adults in Sweden, associations with ill-heath, and the mediating effect of sense of coherence

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95% CI

Relative conditional indirect effect (ab)

(Victimization – SOC– Physical health status, moderated by social support)

With social support

One form of victimization




Low polyvictimization




High polyvictimization




No social support

One form of victimization





Low polyvictimization




High polyvictimization




Significance test for moderating effect of social support:

Index of moderated mediation for low polyvictimization: 1.79; CI 0.06–4.07

Relative direct effect (c’): Victimization - Physical health status

(no significant moderation effect of social support)

One form of victimization




Low polyvictimization




High polyvictimization




  1. Note: Model summary R2 = 0.19. included in analyses n = 468, missing cases n = 139 Confidence intervals are computed using bootstrapping with 5000 sample. No moderating effect of SOC was found (interaction effect p = 0.81)