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Table 4 Current and preferred information sources on dementia in the included studies

From: Information needs and information seeking behaviour of people with dementia and their non-professional caregivers: a scoping review


Information Sources

Number and percentage of studies

References for each source

Current sources

Internet - Websites and forums

10 (71.4%)

[7, 28,29,30, 36, 38,39,40,41, 46]

Healthcare professionals

7 (50%)

[7, 29, 30, 35, 39, 43, 44]


6 (42.8%)

[7, 29, 30, 35, 36, 44]

Alzheimer’s Association website

5 (35.7%)

[29, 30, 36, 39, 44]

Electronic sources – email, smartphone apps (eg. Alzheimer’s Assistant), videos, TV

5 (35.7%)

[30, 33, 38, 40, 43]

Written information - books, leaflets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines

4 (28.5%)

[7, 33, 39, 40]

Support groups

4 (28.5%)

[29, 38, 39, 44]

Care centres

2 (14.2%)

[29, 44]

Social worker

2 (14.2%)

[35, 44]

Other family caregivers

2 (14.2%)

[30, 43]

Volunteer groups/organizations

2 (14.2%)

[7, 35]


1 (0.07%)


Bank employees

1 (0.07%)


Preferred sources

Internet - Website page with FAQs, how-to videos, online portals

4 (66.6%)

[30, 38, 41, 43]

Electronic sources – mass media, audio-visual materials, DVDs, smartphones

4 (66.6%)

[34, 36, 41, 43]

Support groups

3 (50%)

[34, 35, 42]

Written information

3 (50%)

[34, 42, 43]

Electronic medical records (EMR)

1 (16.6%)


Educational conferences

1 (16.6%)


Government services

1 (16.6%)


Healthcare professionals

1 (16.6%)
