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Table 4 Rehabilitation services (n = 91)

From: Rehabilitation for people with dementia: a multi-method study examining knowledge and attitudes


Definitely would not use

Probably would not use


Probably would use

Definitely would use

I don’t know

I already use this

Case manager

6 (6.6)

18 (19.8)

4 ((4.4)

19 (20.9)

22 (24.2)

4 (4.4)

18 (19.8)

Group exercise classes

41 (45.1)

11 (12.1)

0 (0)

18 (19.8)

14 (15.4)

1 (1.1)

6 (6.6)


27 (29.7)

2 (24.2)

1 (1.1)

22 (24.2)

12 (13.3)

0 (0)

7 (7.7)

Mobility aids

4 (4.4)

2 (2.2)

1 (1.1)

3 (3.3)

7 (7.7)

0 (0.0)

74 (81.3)

Home exercise programs

12 (13.2)

15 (16.5)


26 (28.6)

19 (20.9)

4 (4.4)

15 (16.5)

Memory strategies

29 (31.9)

18 (19.8)

5 (5.5)

18 (19.8)

15 (16.5)

4 (4.4)

2 (2.2)

Those with memory loss (n = 50)a

8 (16.0)

9 (18.0)

5 (10.0)

13 (26.0)

11 (22.0)

2 (4.0)

2 (4.0)

 Help to find and attend social groups

34 (37.4)

18 (19.8)

1 (1.1)

16 (17.6)

11 (12.1)

1 (1.1)

10 (11.0)

 Meal delivery service (n = 43)

14 (32.6)

5 (11.6)

5 (11.6)

6 (11.6)

4 (9.3)

0 (0)

43 (20.9)

 Speech pathology

50 (54.9)

14 (15.4)

3 (3.3)

12 (13.2)

8 (8.8)

4 (4.4)

0 (0.0)

Those with word finding difficulties (n = 30)

9 (30.0)

5 (16.7)

1 (3.3)

6 (20.0)

6 (20.0)

3 (10.0)

0 (0.0)

 One-on-one exercise class

25 (27.5)

17 (18.7)

1 (1.1)

27 (29.7)

10 (11.0)

1 (1.1)

10 (11.0)

 Help at home (n = 43)

2 (4.7)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

5 (11.6)

3 (7.0)

1 (2.3)

32 (74.4)

 Support groups

46 (50.5)

19 (20.9)

2 (2.2)

15 (16.5)

3 (3.3)

3 (3.3)

3 (3.3)

Those with memory loss (n = 50) a

17 (34.0)

13 (26.0)

2 (4.0)

10 (20.0)

3 (6.0)

2 (4.0)

3 (6.0)

 Employment or volunteering

59 (64.8)

12 (13.2)

2 (2.2)

9 (9.9)

3 (3.3)

2 (2.2)

4 (4.4)

Those wanting to work or volunteer but not able to (n = 9)

3 (33.3)

2 (22.2)

0 (0.0)

3 (33.3)

1 (11.1)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)


14 (15.4)

10 (11.0)

1 (1.1)

16 (17.6)

27 (29.7)

2 (2.2)

21 (23.1)

Those with driving difficulties (n = 19)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

3 (16.7)

11 (57.9)

1 (5.6)

4 (22.2)

 System navigator

16 (17.6)

12 (13.2)

2 (2.2)

9 (9.9)

36 (39.6)

3 (3.3)

6 (6.6)

  1. aIncludes those who indicated that they forget things, lose things, and have difficulty orienting to time