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Table 1 Participants’ characteristics

From: Characteristics of resting-state functional connectivity in older adults after the PICMOR intervention program: a preliminary report


INT (N = 31)

CONT (N = 30)

Age (mean ± SD)

72.84 ± 3.45

72.03 ± 2.72

Sex (males: females)

16: 15

13: 17

Educational level (≥ 13 years: <  13 years)

20: 11

17: 13

Amount of talking time in group conversations during the intervention period** (sec) (mean ± SD)

5000.52 ± 800.63

7627.19 ± 3377.06

PVFT score at the pre-intervention (mean ± SD)

12.03 ± 3.61

11.13 ± 4.07

PVFT score at the post-intervention** (mean ± SD)

13.71 ± 3.55

11.07 ± 2.95

  1. We lack conversational data of one out of 12 group conversations from two CONT groups due to technical errors. Asterisks represent the variables showing significant difference between INT and CONT (p < 0.01)
  2. Abbreviations: INT the intervention group, CONT the control group, PVFT phonemic verbal fluency task, SD standard deviation