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Table 5 Statistically significant differences in baseline motor and cognitive performance as well as the use of walking aids between positive, non-, and negative responders in the intervention group (per protocol analysis)

From: Effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program on gait performance in individuals with dementia: a multicenter randomized controlled trial


Negative responders


Positive responders

Between group difference

Post-hoc analysis

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

F (dfnumerator, dfdenominator)/ Chi2(df), p

Single task, walking speed

MMSE (n = 89)

14.8 (4.0)

18.5 (3.9)

16.7 (5.1)

Chi2(2) = 12.093, p = 0.002

z = −3.472, p = 0.002, r = 0.404 a

Single task, stride length

Stride length, cm (n = 89)

80.3 (19.9)

89.4 (15.2)

62.7 (20.0)

F(2,86) = 14.129, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.247

p = 0.008, MD = -17.60, CI95 [−31.32, − 3.89] b

p < 0.001, MD = -26.79, CI95 [− 38.93, −14.65] c

TUG, sec (n = 89)

22.9 (10.9)

19.0 (7.6)

31.5 (20.0)

Chi2(2) = 8.234, p = 0.016

z = −2.800, p = 0.015, r = 0.325 c

MMSE (n = 89)

14.5 (3.5)

17.8 (4.3)

17.4 (5.2)

Chi2(2) = 9.510, p = 0.009

z = −3.046, p = 0.007, r = 0.354 a

Single task, double support

Double support, % of stride time (n = 89)

36.2 (6.9)

37.4 (7.3)

47.3 (10.4)

F(2,86) = 7.721, p = 0.001 ηp2 = 0.152

p = 0.001, MD = 11.09, CI95 [4.13, 18.05] b

p = 0.001, MD = 9.89, CI95 [3.41, 16.37] c

Modified 30s CST (n = 77)

7.5 (3.3)

9.0 (3.7)

4.8 (1.7)

F(2,74) = 4.508, p = 0.014, ηp2 = 0.109

p = 0.020, MD = -4.14, CI95 [−7.73, −0.55] c

MMSE (n = 89)

15.1 (3.9)

17.9 (4.3)

16.3 (5.4)

Chi2(2) = 6.742, p = 0.034

z = −2.558, p = 0.032, r = 0.286 a

Dual task, counting backwards, walking speed

Walking speed, m/sec (n = 62)

0.63 (0.17)

0.57 (0.11)

0.47 (0.15)

F(2,59) = 6.336, p = 0.003, ηp2 = 0.177

p = 0.001, MD = -15.08, CI95 [−25.35, −4.81] b

Dual task, counting backwards, stride length

No statistically significant differences

Dual task, counting backwards, double support

Double support, % of stride time (n = 62)

37.7 (9.2)

40.0 (7.1)

47.8 (12.9)

Chi2(2) = 6.496, p = 0.039

z = −2.532, p = 0.034, r = 0.479 b

Dual task, naming animals, walking speed

Walking speed, m/sec (n = 61)

0.52 (0.11)

0.47 (0.13)

0.36 (0.12)

F(2,58) = 9.917, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.255

p < 0.001, MD = -16.40, CI95 [−25.44, −7.35] b

TUG, sec (n = 61)

18.8 (9.2)

20.8 (16.9)

24.8 (12.1)

Chi2(2) = 6.360, p = 0.042


Dual task, naming animals, stride length

Stride length, cm (n = 61)

77.9 (14.0)

71.8 (18.3)

61.6 (18.3)

F(2,58) = 3.596, p = 0.034, ηp2 = 0.110

p = 0.031, MD = -16.36, CI95 [−31.46, −1.26] b

Walking aid, % (n = 61)




Chi2 = 7.540, p = 0.020


Dual task, naming animals, double support

Double support, % of stride time (n = 61)

41.9 (8.6)

44.7 (7.9)

53.2 (10.2)

F(2,61) = 6.570, p = 0.003, ηp2 = 0.185

p = 0.003, MD = 11.35, CI95 [3.38, 19.32] b

p = 0.010, MD = 8.55, CI95 [1.79, 15.30] c

  1. 30s CST: 30-s chair stand test, CI95: 95% confidence interval, df: degrees of freedom, MD: mean difference, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, n :number, n.s.: not significant, SD: standard deviation, TUG: Timed Up & Go Test
  2. a post-hoc analysis: statistically significant better performance of non- compared to negative responders
  3. b post-hoc analysis: statistically significant worse performance of positive compared to negative responders
  4. c post-hoc analysis: statistically significant worse performance of positive compared to non-responders