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Table 3 Question 2 –what are the best models

From: Are people in residential care entitled to receive rehabilitation services following hip fracture? Views of the public from a citizens’ jury

Characteristics of the rehabilitation service




Best venue for rehabilitation was in the residential care facility

All agreed


The investment should be in the form of an in-reach service

12 jurors agreed. 1 juror had reservations.


Flexibility, regular review, tailored to individual, capped in length, multidisciplinary, holistic, respectful and equitable

All agreed

Decision on content

Option 1: Decision making should be shared between a rehabilitation ‘expert or broker’ and the resident and/or family to ensure informed choice.

Option 2: There should be a menu of a few set options which families could select from e.g. physical therapy, geriatrician, dietician

11 jurors preferred option 1 and 2 jurors preferred option 2

Workforce investment

There should be an investment in up skilling residential care workers in rehabilitation principles and practice

All agreed

Communication and information

Better communication between the discharging hospital and the residential care facility

All agreed


Option 1: Government funding shared between Australian and State governments

Option 2: State government

Option 3: Australian government

9 jurors preferred option 1, 2 jurors option 2, one juror option 3 and 1 juror said that they did not know