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Table 3 Continuous associations with physical function and frailty (beta coefficients (95% CIs) and corresponding p-values)

From: Dose-response association between physical activity and sedentary time categories on ageing biomarkers


Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time

Light physical activity-to-sedentary behavior ratio

Beta (95% CI) a


Beta (95% CI) b


Short Physical Performance Battery (n = 765)

0.03 (0.02, 0.04)

< 0.001

0.96 (0.09, 1.82)


Frailty Trait Scale (n = 749)

−0.18 (− 0.22, − 0.14)

< 0.001

−5.39 (− 9.34, − 1.44)


  1. Adjusted linear regression models were fitted for physical function and frailty outcomes. The models were controlled for: age, sex, education, income, marital status, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time, light physical activity-to-sedentary time ratio, and accelerometer wear-time.
  2. Bold indicates statistical significance at α = 0.05
  3. aBeta coefficients represent a one minute increase in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time per day
  4. bBeta coefficients represent a one unit increase in the light physical activity-to-sedentary behavior ratio