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Table 3 Two-level multiple regression analysis of factors associated with caregiver’s burden of care

From: Time to move? Factors associated with burden of care among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older people facing housing decisions: secondary analysis of a cluster randomized trial

Cluster-level (HSSCs random effect at intercept level: ICC = 13%)

Caregiver-level (Marginal R2 = 26%)a

 Independent variables

β (95% CI)


Characteristics of the caregiver






4.15 (0.30, 7.99)


Caregiver’s housing preference for the cognitively impaired older person

 Public nursing home



 Stay at home

3.5 (−1.59, 8.59)


 Caregiver’s home

9.18 (1.93, 16.44)


 Private retirement residence

7.04 (1.76, 12.32)


 Other (e.g. mixed private-public nursing homes)

11.22 (2.68, 19.77)


 Time lapse (days) since the decision was made

−0.02 (−0.04, 0)


Decision regretb

 (< 5)


< 0.001

 (≥5 à ≤25)

4.73 (0.76, 8.69)



10.7 (5.07, 16.33)


Decisional conflictc

0.15 (0.03, 0.28)


Characteristics of the relationship between the caregiver and cognitively impaired older person

Relationship link between caregiver and the cognitively impaired older person

 Other family member


< 0.001


7.51 (2.56, 12.46)


 Friend or other

6.78 (−5.09, 18.65)



17.69 (11.83, 23.54)


Caregiver’s social support resources perception

The caregiver’s perception of the occurrence of a joint process in the decision-making (D-OPTION)d

0.26 (0.17, 0.36)

< 0.001

  1. HSSCs: health and social services centres; ICC: intra-class correlation coefficients; D-OPTION: Dyadic Observing Patient Involvement in Decision Making instrument
  2. aTotal variance explained by the model = 39%
  3. bDecisional conflict score < 5 = no regret, ≥5 to ≤25 = mild regret and ≥ 30 = moderate to strong regret [31]
  4. cFor one point increase score from 0 (no decisional conflict) to 100 (high decisional conflict)
  5. dfor one point increase, score from 0 = decision-making not joint to 100 = decision-making joint